The Last Straw

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May 4th, 10 PM

I was sat on the deck, on what I think was my third joint. Maybe fourth? I was letting the herbs intoxicate me. I wanted to be numb and forget everything. I was infuriated after my father called me, I couldn't even enjoy dinner with Ruby. He was so sweet, charming, and sexy and I couldn't even enjoy him. Or us. My father had ruined it for me. Again. I spent all day in bed. Angry and confused.

The sliding glass door opened and I turned to see Ruby standing there with a concerned look on his face. He was such a beautiful man. UGH.

"God, you are so sexy." Did I just say that out loud? I was biting my lip and moving my eyes up and down examining every inch of his body and remembering the last time I saw him naked. 

He smirked, "So are you, baby," he sat in the chair next to me, I couldn't take my eyes off him. "I haven't heard from you all day, I wanted to check if you were alright?"

"Oh I'm just perfect," I broke eye contact, took another hit of my joint, and looked out towards the moon. It was full and beautiful.

"You want to talk about it?"

"You know, my father yells at me to leave him alone, I try to make up with him only for him to turn on me even more, and then he just calls me a week later to tell me to stay out of his stuff. No hi, I'm sorry, I miss you, just 'don't go through my stuff, you understand?'" I mimicked his voice and scoffed. "How pathetic of me to even have let it affect me, it's not like he cares."

I wasn't looking at him but I could feel his eyes staring at me.

"You're not pathetic Parker, he is your dad and you have had a close relationship up until now. He is the one with the issues, not you."

I looked at him. And before I knew it I was sitting on top of him making out with his perfectly constructed face. I started to take my shirt off. 

He pulled it back down.

"We can't do this, not like this." I got off him and sat back in my chair, I was looking away from him to keep him from seeing me cry. "Parker-"

"Just go."


"Just. Go!" I yelled, I was so embarrassed. What was I thinking?

He got up and left without saying another word. I immediately started bawling. I had so many emotions and I was taking it out on the one person who has stood by my side through it all.

May 9th 10 AM

It had been a week. A week since talking to Ruby. My heart ached, my body sore, I had tried messaging and calling but he wouldn't answer. I had officially ruined the best thing in my life.

"Parker, snap out of it!"

We were sitting in our normal smoking spot on the hill, skipping the third period. We had a month of school left and I haven't retained anything. I was numb.

"He will forgive you."

"You don't know that Octavia."

"He will. Your father has you so fucked up, Ruby knows you aren't in your right mind. He will come around."

I took another hit from my joint. And then it hit me.

"I have an idea." I turned my jeep on and flew down the road and to my house.

"What are we doing?"

"I am going to figure out all my father's secrets."

"Are you sure that is a good idea?"

"It is the best one I have ever had."

I pulled up in the driveway and cut the engine. We went inside and straight to my father's office. Nobody was home so I didn't even worry, I started with his desk, I pulled out folder upon folder upon folder.

"What are you doing?"

"I am going to find out all his secrets."

I opened a folder that read, 'clients.'

There were pages and pages full of names and their information. There were names of half of Alaska and more. What did he do? I pulled open another file that read, 'insurance.' I read through the papers and shut the folder, my mouth hanging open.

"What? What is it?"

"My father, he's robbed people, and owns thousands of gambling rings all over the country." My heart was racing, I don't know what I expected but it wasn't this. I know he was associated with murders, hell I committed one. But he always preached to be an honest man and this just proved his lies the entire time. "These papers consist of every scrap of blackmail he has on his clients. He is a liar."

"I am sure he had his reasons." I knew Octavia was trying to comfort me but at this point, I truly didn't care about my father anymore. This was the last straw.

"He is dead to me."

Without another word I threw the folders down on the desk and with anger, I threw everything off his desk. I hated him with my whole heart. After all the secrets and lies, this was the cherry on top.

May 12th, 5 PM

I had gone over to my mother's house to get ready for the prom along with Octavia. The curls in my hair danced as they swayed against my back, my makeup was soft and defined my features, and my dress laid perfectly against my body, I felt beautiful. But my heart was heavy. Ruby was supposed to be my date and I still hadn't heard from him. I opened my phone and clicked on our messages, I had sent at least ten since that day and he had seen them all. I sent one more message in the hopes he would respond.

"I know I have said it too much, but I am sorry. You deserve more."

My mom stood in the doorway.

"You look beautiful Parker Amelia."

I closed my phone setting it on the vanity of my old room. "Thank you, mom."

"I have a gift for you," she smiled handing me a small box. I opened it, in it lay a diamond necklace.

"Oh my goodness, it is absolutely beautiful, thank you." I hugged her,

"It was my mother's, and she passed it down to me when I was going through a rough time in my life, she told me, never let tragedy define you." This was the first time my mom had ever spoken of family outside of ours.

"I- I- I really needed this, I really need you, mom," I look at her with tears of gratefulness streaming down my cheeks.

"Oh honey," she kissed my forehead and held my face so I could look her in the eyes, "you are always welcome back home." She pulled me against her chest squeezing me tight. I hugged her back.

"I would like that," just then a knock at the door pulled us out of our sentimental moment. I tapped under my eyes to dry the tears without messing up my makeup. We both looked to see Ruby standing in the doorway wearing a tux and holding a corsage.

"Is it still possible to take you to the dance?" He said giving a nervous half-smile.

"I will give you two some privacy," my mother smiled and left the room.

"Do you mind?" I smiled holding up the diamond necklace. Ruby came over and clipped it on around my neck.

"You are the most gorgeous woman I have ever laid eyes on."

"I missed you," I smiled turning round to face him and he put the corsage on my wrist.

"I missed you too, I'm sorry I didn't respond, I should have."

"It's okay I understand, I'm sorry too, I let the emotions get the best of me and I took them out on you."

He pulled me close to him wrapping his arms around my waist causing me to wrap my arms around his neck.

"I will always be here for you baby, and I promise I will get better at helping you work through your emotions."

I smiled and reached into my cleavage pulling out a joint, "one for the road?"

He smiled and we went on the balcony to share it before heading to the prom.

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