Chapter 9

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Slipknot played quietly in the background, while Dabi leaned his head back and tried to block out the noise. But Spinner and you were engrossed in your conversation about Slipknot, ignoring Dabi's pleas for quiet.

"You guys never shut up, do you?" Dabi muttered, shaking his head in annoyance.  
But you and Spinner paid him no mind, continuing your animated conversation about the band members and favorite songs.

Toga leaned into Dabi, her voice dropping to a playful whisper, "Ah, Dabi, could it be that you're feeling a touch jealously?" Her grin was wide and wild, glinting with mischief as she spoke.

Dabi shot Toga a menacing glare in response to her question.  
"Jealous...? Me? Jealous of those two talking about some loud music..." Dabi scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"I thought you also liked this kind of music? What gives?" Toga asked suspiciously.

Dabi shrugged nonchalantly. "I mean, I don't mind it, but it's not like I'm obsessed with it or anything like those two." He gestured lazily towards Spinner and you, who were still engrossed in their conversation about the band.

Toga's grin widened as she leaned in closer to Dabi.  
"You really like her, don't you? It's so obvious." She teased, poking his shoulder playfully.

Dabi rolled his eyes again, trying to feign detachment.  
"I don't know what you're talking about," he said, waving a hand dismissively.  
But Toga wasn't buying it. She knew Dabi better than anyone, and she could see right through his cool act.

At that moment, Twice burst through the door with a big grin on his face.  
"Guess who's got some sushi!" he exclaimed loudly, waving a large box in his hand.

As Twice entered the room with a box of sushi, your excitement was palpable.  
However, Dabi's reaction was quite different; he groaned and looked downright disgusted at the sight of the sushi.  
Seeing his reaction, Spinner asked Dabi, "What's with the face?"
Dabi grimaced at the sight of the sushi, and grumbled, "I don't like fish. The smell just gets on my nerves."  
Toga rolled her eyes at his comment. "You're such a spoilsport, Dabi. Sushi is delicious!" she said, taking a piece for herself from the box Twice had brought in.

You chuckled at Dabi's reluctance to eat sushi. You could sense his dislike for the fishy smell and texture, so you decided to tease him a bit.  
"I'll go find you a burger and fries, Dabi," you said, getting up from your seat.  
Dabi seemed to perk up a bit at the mention of a burger and fries. He looked at you hopefully and said, "Yeah, that would be great, thanks."

You were surprised in the past few days that the kiss didn't bother Dabi. He honestly acted as if it never happened.

You left the room in search of a burger and fries for Dabi, and you were walking down the hall when you suddenly saw Hawks coming the other way.  
Hawks was surprised to see you, and he greeted you with a grin.
Just smile and pretend to be friendly with him.

You waved back at Hawks and smiled widely at the sight of him.  
"Hey, long time no see," you said, approaching him with a friendly demeanour.

Hawks chuckled and smiled in response to your greeting.  
"Hey there. Yeah, it's been a while," he said, folding his arms across his chest.

There was a moment of silence between the two of you as you stood facing each other in the hall.  
Finally, Hawks broke the silence with a casual question. "So what brings you to this part of the building?"

"Oh, I was actually looking for something to eat," you replied, "I was going to grab a burger and fries for Dabi, but I don't mind being interrupted for a chat with you." You smiled at him.

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