Chapter 4

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You quietly sneaked out of your room, making sure not to make a sound that would attract attention to yourself. Though no one was guarding the door, much to your surprise.
You tip-toe through the hallway, careful not to make any noise as you walked towards in search of the kitchen.
The halls were dimly lit by the small night lights that lined the hall, casting long shadows on the wall as you walked past. The hall was quiet, almost unnaturally so, as if the air itself was holding its breath.

You turned a corner to find yourself upon the kitchen area. You rummage through the fridge, looking for something to satisfy your hunger.
The contents of the fridge were pretty sparse, not much to really choose from. But then you spotted it, a pizza box sitting in the back of the refrigerator.
A look of anticipation crossed your face. You were feeling pretty hungry. You grabbed the pizza box and opened it up, only to find a single slice left behind.

As you were about to take a bite of the pizza slice, you suddenly heard the sound of the floorboard creaking behind you.
Startled, you whirl around to see Spinner standing there.

"Jesus! You startled me!" You whispered, your heart pounding in your chest.
Spinner crossed his arms, looking somewhat amused by your reaction. "What are you doing up and out of your room? How did you manage to sneak out?" he asked.
You rolled your eyes, not appreciating his amused look. "No one was there, and I was hungry. In regardless, what are you doing up in the middle of the night?"

"I can't sleep," Spinner sighed heavily before walking towards the refrigerator.
He opened it, looking for something to snack, too, despite the lack of options in the fridge.

"Twice was supposed to be on guard duty for you, but I guess he's incompetent. He should have been patrolling the corridor," Spinner muttered as he looked through the fridge, not finding anything to eat.

"I can split this last piece of pizza with you. I know it won't be much," you offered, tearing off half of the thin slice and passing it to him.
Spinner thanked you, quickly biting off a chunk and chewing it. As he swallowed, he turned to you and asked, "So you're really from another world," he paused, "Though, I must ask, where are you really from? You don't look Japanese."

You let out a small chuckle, amused by his question. "I'm from America," you replied.
Spinner looked a little taken aback by your answer, his brow furrowed as if trying to process the information.

"America... so you're not from Japan like us after all," Spinner muttered more to himself than to you.
He looked deep in thought, scratching the scales on his chin as he tried to process the information.

Spinner nodded, taking in the information you provided. He hesitated for a moment before continuing with his questions.
"Any hobbies?" he inquired next, seemingly wanting to learn more about you.

"Hobbies? Well, I'm an engineer scientist, and I'm quite fascinated with the multiverse," you replied, a small sparkle in your eyes as you spoke.

"Oh, you mean like Avengers: Infinity War," Spinner commented, catching on to the reference you made.

"Haha, yeah, something along those lines," you replied, amused by his quick catch on the reference.
Spinner's eyes seemed to lighten up a bit, as if he was intrigued by your interest in the subject.

Spinner rubbed his chin, his brows drawing together as he asked a question that seemed to be bouncing in his head, "How old are you, by the way?"

You straightened your back, feeling a small sense of pride as you answered, "I turned 25 last month."

You glanced at Spinner, noticing his scaled skin and youthful appearance. Curious, you decided to ask, "How old are you, Spinner? You look young." Although, you already knew.

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