Chapter 12

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The sound of the N64 controller clicking filled the room. You and Spinner were in the middle of another intense game of Mario Kart, having just finished the first round. Meanwhile, Twice and Toga were sitting on the floor, completely absorbed in their game of Go Fish.

The air in the room was thick with the heat of competition. You and Spinner were focused intently on the screen, each trying to beat the other in the race. You watched intently as your character moved swiftly across the screen, dodging obstacles and trying to gain a speed boost from the items you collected. Suddenly, a red shell hit your character, and you groaned in frustration. "Ugh, you cheater!" You groaned, glaring at Spinner.

"I'm not cheating. You're just not good enough." Spinner replied with a cheeky grin as he accelerated past you, taking the lead in the race. You gritted your hands on the controller, determined to catch up.

You leaned forward, tensed up, and mashed the controller buttons as you tried to catch up to Spinner. You managed to grab a mushroom and used it to boost past him, making a small dent in his lead."Damn it!" He cursed as you pulled ahead.

You laughed triumphantly as you moved further ahead of him. He cursed again in frustrated rage. "Alright, you asked for it." He muttered under his breath, his eyes narrowing as he hit a speed boost and managed to catch up to you again.

You groaned as Spinner pulled ahead of you and crossed the finish line first, winning the round. He let out a triumphant yell and threw his hands in the air, celebrating his victory. "Yes!" He cheered, grinning at you.

You put the controller down and crossed your arms, feigning annoyance even though you were secretly pleased by the banter. "But I am the video game girl. I am the one who wins!" You protested with a grin, even though you had been bested by Spinner this time round.

You have been spending your leisurely time lately with Spinner, Toga, and Twice. Dabi has been a little MIA and hasn't talked to you in a couple of days. Not that you cared after his asshole act. Okay, that was a lie. You cared. You were still hurt over it. Not mention the altercation between you and Hawks. It was all so overwhelming.

Suddenly, there was a loud knock at the door. Twice got up from the floor and went to answer it. He opened the door to reveal a tall, slender woman with long, wavy brown hair, striking emerald green eyes, and fair skin. She was dressed in a black leather jacket, ripped jeans, a white crop top, and black combat boots.

"Can I help you?" Twice asked, glancing at the newcomer. She smiled and replied, "Oh, hi! I'm Raven." She looked past him and towards the group in the room. "I was sent to invite you all to a party."

You leaned forward in your seat, curious about the party she was talking about. "What party?" you asked, hoping for more details.

"It's a party to let loose," Raven explained, her eyes glinting mischievously. "A party for all of us villains. We've been hosting it once a month."

Toga looked up from her game of Go Fish, her eyes wide with excitement. "A party for villains? That sounds like so much fun!"
Spinner rolled his eyes at Toga's enthusiasm, but he also looked vaguely interested. "So what kind of stuff goes down at these parties, anyways?" he asked Raven curiously.

Raven shrugged nonchalantly. "Oh, you know, the usual villain stuff. Drink, dance, maybe cause some chaos," she replied with a smirk, her tone dripping with mischief.

"Cause some chaos?" Twice repeated, a wide grin spreading across his face. He was clearly on board with that idea. "Sounds like a hell of a good time."

"It starts at 8, so don't be late," Raven added, her smirk turning into a confident smile as she leaned in the doorway. With that, she turned and left, leaving behind an air of mystery and excitement in her wake.

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