Chapter 15

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As you sit up quickly in bed, you notice that you are surrounded by four plain white walls. The room has a sterile, almost clinical, feel to it, and the faint smell of cleaning products fills the air. The bed you are sitting on is simple and comfortable, with plain white linens. You glance around the room, feeling confused and disoriented.

"Where am I?" you ask, your voice carrying through the empty room.

As if on cue, the door to the room opens, and a nurse walks in, carrying a clipboard. Her eyes brighten as she sees that you are awake. "Oh, you're awake!" she says, her tone cheerful.

You tilt your head, slightly confused. "Who are you?" you ask, looking up at her. The nurse smiles at you, her expression kind. "I'm the nurse who's been taking care of you," she says.

The nurse is a young woman, likely in her late twenties. She has green hair pulled back into a neat bun, and warm brown eyes. She is average height, and looks to be athletic. She is dressed in the standard green scrubs of a hospital, with a stethoscope around her neck.

You hesitantly open your mouth and ask, "How long was I out?" The nurse glances down at her clipboard, flipping through a few pages before turning back to you. "You were unconscious for about four days," she replies, her tone gentle.

The nurse smiles at you reassuringly. "I'll let Hawks and the other heroes know that you're awake now," she says. She turns to walk out the door, but looks back at you before she leaves. "They've been worried about you," she adds, then leaves, closing the door behind her.
As the nurse mentions the heroes, Hawks' face flashes in your mind. You feel a pang of pain as you remember the last time you saw him. He had stabbed you, and you had stepped in to save Twice. You can feel the sting of betrayal, and the anger of being stabbed. You feel a flicker of fear, knowing that you will soon have to face him and the other heroes. You take a deep breath, steeling yourself for the reunion.

As you sit up in bed, the door opens again. This time, Hawk's, Best Jeanist, All Might, and Present Mic walk in. Hawks seems to be the most worried, his eyes on you. The others look concerned, but less so than Hawks.

As you watch them walk in, your heart races. You feel a mixture of emotions, including anger, betrayal, and fear. You stare at Hawks, feeling a pang of resentment. The others look concerned, but Hawks looks visibly worried. You feel a sense of disbelief, wondering why he looks worried, considering he almost killed you.

All Might clears his throat, and steps forward, speaking in his characteristic confident tone. "How are you feeling?" he asks, looking at you with concern.

You take a moment to gather your thoughts, and then you reply, "I'm feeling... okay. Just a bit confused." You look at All Might and the others, feeling a mixture of feelings, including resentment and wariness.

Best Jeanist steps forward, his expression serious. "We're glad to see you're awake," he says, his tone controlled. "We've been worried about you."

You feel a surge of resentment, and you can't help but ask sarcastically, "Worried? Why would you be worried?" You look at the heroes, feeling the anger bubble inside you.

Best Jeanist raises an eyebrow at your tone but doesn't comment on it. He turns to the others, who seem uncomfortable, but All Might clears his throat. "We... know that you have information about the future," he says, looking at you. "And we've been hoping to speak with you about that."

Surely Hawks must of told them.

Present Mic speaks in his loud, boisterous tone, his voice filling the room. "Yeah, we've been wanting to talk to you about that whole 'knowing the future' thing," he says, sounding excited.

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