Chapter 1

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You couldn't help but feel exhilarated, despite the fact that you had just gone out for morning coffee with Maya Keller, who was quickly becoming a beloved coworker. You were a scientist in a small town, and your lifelong fascination with the possibility of the multiverse was largely due to your love of Marvel comics.
Seated across from Maya, you continued to excitedly discuss your latest findings while Maya playfully rolled her eyes, as she had grown accustomed to your frequent musings.

However, your attention was suddenly drawn the moment she mentioned an ancient book.

"You know," Maya began, her voice filled with intrigue, "I recently overheard the elderly lady who runs the antique shop mention something interesting. She apparently possesses a book that, if deciphered properly, has the potential to lead to an open gateway to an alternate universe."

Your guffaw filled the air as you declared, "Now I know you're having a laugh at my expense! Me, stumbling upon a realm-crossing book? That's like finding a needle in a haystack!"
Maya, sipping her coffee, nonchalantly shrugged, her response laced with sincerity. "No, seriously, I overheard old Mrs. Peterson spoke with her shop assistant about it just the other day."

Curiosity gleamed in your eyes, and you leaned in closer, intrigued by the possibility of what Maya was implying.
"You're serious about this book?" you wondered. "Are you certain it's not just some fairytale or an elaborate hoax that Mrs. Peterson concocted to lure naive customers to her shop?"

Maya met your skeptical gaze with a determined and confident look.
"I promise you, it's not some far-fetched tale or a devious marketing trick." She leaned in, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "The old lady seemed absolutely convinced this book has mystical powers. Apparently, it's been in her possession for some time, tucked away among her antique books and trinkets."

You stood in the modest shop, engaging in conversation with Mrs. Peterson. The antique bookstore had always been a hidden gem in town, filled with rare finds and hidden treasures. As you approached the counter, your eyes lit up at the sight of a particularly old and worn leather-bound book tucked away in the corner. The title read, "A Gateway to Another," just as Maya said.

"Excuse me," you asked, your voice tinged with excitement. "Is that book for sale?"

But to your disappointment, Mrs. Peterson shook her head, her face expressing genuine regret. "I'm sorry, dear. It's not for sale."

Your eager smile faded, replaced by a frown and a heavy feeling of defeat in your heart. "But why not?" you asked, unable to hide your disappointment.

"It took me a long time to find that book," Mrs. Peterson explained, her voice tinged with regret. "It's not something I can just part with."

As she spoke those words, you felt a stubborn determination rise within you. You had your eyes set on that book, and nothing was going to stop you from taking it home.

You stood there, taking in her words. But rather than being discouraged, the stubbornness in your heart only grew more intense. Your vision narrowed, fixating on that book with an almost possessiveness. You didn't just want it now - you needed it.

"Not for sale, huh?" You muttered under your breath, a plan already taking shape in your mind.

The corners of your lips curled up into a wicked grin as an idea took root in your mind. "Not for sale," you repeated quietly to yourself, a determined glint in your eye.

Mrs. Peterson regarded you curiously, perhaps sensing your stubbornness but unable to understand the nature of your thought process. She seemed oblivious to the fact that you were now plotting a heist of her most treasured possession.

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