6. today's schedule, 2pm - 5pm: murder your coworkers

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The concept of time amuses me- pretend it's Friday xoxo


You got him a fucking cactus.

He looked it up, and god dammit, yes, cacti are flowers. He hates you and everything you do and this stupid flower drivel that he's been sucked into.

At the same time, he can't stop rereading your text conversations. He can't stop staring at the tiny, spiky thing in its pot, so innocent yet so threatening. He can't stop thinking about you.

This feels... dangerous, in a way. He's never met someone that's consumed him quite like you have.

Normally, something like this would be cause for concern.

Levi's concerned that he's not concerned enough about it. Because why, despite the consumption of his thoughts and his feelings, is he not worried about this? Why is he only focused on the next time he'll get to see you?

His internet search history is a mess: how often do you water a cactus, how much sunlight does a cactus need, are cacti spikes poisonous? But there's so much conflicting information- apparently there's multiple types of cacti? What the actual fuck?- and that's the excuse Levi uses when he texts you again that night.

Levi (19:58): how much should I water this thing

You (20:01): whenever the soil is dry

Levi (20:02): how dry is dry

Levi (20:02): can't you just give me a number of days

You (20:02): do you eat and drink at the exact same time every day?

Levi (20:03): are you comparing me to a cactus

You (20:03): if the shoe fits

Levi (20:03): wow.

You (20:04): but to answer your question, they don't need a lot of water. They go dormant in the winter, so they need it even less. In the warmer months, maybe every one to two weeks

You (20:05): every once in a while, check the soil, and if it's dry, give it some water

Levi (20:05): you're telling me cacti hibernate

You (20:05): sort of

Levi (20:06): I don't hibernate

You (20:06): congratulations!

Levi (20:06): I'm saying you can't compare me to a cactus

You (20:07): why not

You (20:07): I think it fits well

Levi (20:07): they're spiky.

You (20:07): prickly, yes

Levi (20:08): you're not helping

You (20:08): well, I'm off the clock

Levi (20:08): so now you've decided to take a break

You (20:08): I do that once in a blue moon

You (20:09): and considering you've called me Flowers and then told me they're useless, I think I'm going to continue comparing you to a cactus

Levi stares at his phone for a solid minute.

Levi (20:10): touché

Levi (20:10): have you eaten yet?

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