03- The Last Dragon

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Dust stained my clothes and skin as we rode through the fields for what seemed like days

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Dust stained my clothes and skin as we rode through the fields for what seemed like days. I rode up ahead until I saw familiar shiny, silver locks that belonged to the twins. "Everything alright?" I asked riding in-between the twins. "No, my skin is completely ruined and her hands are sore." Maegora whined as she gestured to her and Maelora.

I looked in-between them and sighed. "I know it's difficult but we're almost there. Just hold on for a little while longer." "We're Targaryens, Alyssa. We don't belong out here." Maegora said. "We don't belong anywhere, our home was taken from us. They killed our father, our older brother brother and in some ways they killed our mother. They usurped our throne and now that fat cunt sits on it."

"I still don't get it, were supposed to be kin." Maelora frowned. "Kin or not, he played a major role in making our house fall. Kin or not our brother died in that war and they dragged his name through the mud. Kin or not they did worse with Elia and her innocent children." I gripped the reins in my hands tightly as I allowed pent up rage to be set free.

"It's an awful thing- it really is, but I've never seen you so off your rocker. Usually you're calm and collected." Maegora teased as she elbowed me playfully. "I know, but it irritates me. They robbed us of everything, threw dirt all over our family's names, conspired against the crown, usurped the crown and it's still not enough because they're still after us."

"Because of them I spent the first half of my childhood running and hiding then I spent the other half being a mother." We approached two giant horse statues and I gazed up at them. "Vaes Dothrak." I muttered as I looked ahead. "I hate it already." Maelora said looking disgusted. "You'll get used to it." I reassured her.

We rode inside the city of the horselords and we were immediately greeted by slaves that helped us off our horses. Daelyra led me towards my hut while carrying my stuff. "This is where you'll be staying. The rest of your stuff will arrive shortly." She bowed slightly and turned to leave before I stopped her. "Where does my brother stay?" I asked.

She paused for a moment before pointing to a medium sized hut. "Thank you." I nodded my head and she bowed before leaving. I walked towards his hut only to find him and sharing a bath with Doreah and by the looks of it I'd say they'd just finished something intimate. To say I was angry and hurt was an understatement.

Sure we weren't together but we had something....there was something, right? I cleared my throat, catching the attention of them both. "What's wrong sister?" He asked cockily. The girl bowed her head and left shoving on her clothes. I slapped Viserys, "What is wrong with you?!"

"Me? You're the one that barged in, sent away my friend and attacked me." He shrugged nonchalantly. "How could you? After-" I stopped mid sentence. "After what sister? Don't tell me you thought we had something?" A flash of hurt came across my face. "Oh you pretty little idiot. You actually thought we had something?" He teased.

I backed up and he laughed, getting out of the tub. He chuckled and started putting on his clothes. "I'll forget the slap for now, only because I'm going to need you later." He shrugged on his shirt. "But as for now, you may remove yourself from my presence." He muttered buttoning up his shirt.

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