Sweet like candy

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"Minnn" jisung whined as he came down the stairs

"Yes baby?" Minho asked as he looked up from his book

"I want something sweet.....maybe candy~" jisung said as he sat next to the older

"Can we pleaseeeeeee go to the store and get some?" Jisung whined as he tugged on the olders shirt

" pls, please, please, pleaseeeeeeee" jisung said


"Come on please just one candy" jisung begged

Minho sighed, he closed his book and got up from the couch

"Fine let's go" Minho said as he slipped on his shoes

"Yay!" Jisung said as if he were a child on Christmas Day

As Minho and jisung started to walk to the store, jisung grabbed Minho's hand swinging them back and forth finding it amusing by how Minho was blushing

Once they arrived at the store they headed straight to the candy isle

Jisung was mesmerized by how many options he had to pick from. Chocolates, lollipops, gummy's you name it

"Min i don't know what to pick from. Can you please help me" jisung said as he turned around to look at the older

"You said you wanted something sweet right?" Minho asked as he tilted his head

"Mmhm" jisung nodded

"Then get yourself because you sweet like candy~" Minho said as he pecked jisung's forehead

Jisung blushed at the olders actions

"Stoppppp" jisung said as he tried to hide his face from Minho

Minho found this adorable

"How about some chocolate?" Minho asked

"No too messy" jisung denied

"How about...some lollipops?" Minho asked as he looked around

"I don't think I want that either" jisung said

"How about lady taffy?" Minho asked again

"It gets stuck in my teeth so no" jisung replied

"Cotton candy?"

"Too sweet"


"Too sticky"

"Ok how about some ice cream?" Minho asked as he was running out of ideas of what jisung might want

"Perfect!!" Jisung said as he ran to the the ice cream isle

"Can we get cheese cake flavored ice cream?" Jisung asked as he looked back

"Yeah sure" Minho replied

Once they made it home jisung dug right into his ice cream

"Just what I needed" jisung said in satisfaction

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