Soccer practice

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No one POV*

Jisung's boyfriend was on the field, sweating his ass off. jisung who was on the bleachers watching him came to him as time for break came by, "here drink some water" jisung said as he passed a water bottle to his boyfriend, "thank you baby"Minho said as he took the bottle and chugged it as if there was no tomorrow. "MINHO" the couch yelled across the field. "I better go back, love you" Minho said as he gave jisung a peek on the lips. Jisung blushed and made his way back to the spot he was previously sat. As time went on, more and more people showed up to see the soccer team practice, more than there should be...and you guessed it...they were all girls. Jisung being the only guy there started to get jealous as to how some girls looked at his boyfriend. So to solve this problem he waited till there next break and simply gave Minho a nice and log smooch. Minho was surely surprised by this action as to why jisung would do this but it's not like he's complaining. "B-baby I h-have to g-" Minho was cut off again by jisung smashing there lips together. "Ok now you can go" he said happily. Minho who was flustered just nodded and ran to his position. Once the girls saw this all go down they got extremely jealous. Why? Well because they all liked Minho, yeah I know what your thinking or may be thinking 'don't they know that him and jisung are together already' well they do but they never gave up on becoming Minho's girlfriend. Minho who rejected them many times before already told them that he was gay but no one listened. the girls on the bleachers decided to make a plan. They couldn't let this happen.

~{next day}~

Jisung walked down the hallway hand in hand with Minho. "Hiiii Minhooo" said a girl behind them. "Oh hey jisung" she also said with an attitude. "What do you want?" Minho asked coldly, "would you like to come help me get this box from the top shelf in the art room?" She asked as she pouted, Minho being the a nice person agreed and followed her, leaving jisung all alone. "HEY ASSHOLE!" Someone shouted, jisung tured his head back and as soon as he did he got splashed with a bucket full of water. "Ahh what the fuck!" He said as he wiped the his face trying to see who was the cause of this situation. As he got his vision back he saw two girls, one tall and with black hair and another short with blonde hair. "Stay away from Minho" she said sternly. "What?!, heck no you bitch" he said as he gave them a stank face, "what did you just call me?!" Said the black haired girl. "I said B.I.T.C.H" he repeated as soon as he finished spelling he got punched in the face, jisung who was not surprised bounced back and slapped the living shit out of her, causing her to stumble on her feet, and as for the blonde girl she tried to avenge her friend so she punched jisung again. At this point jisung had enough and punched her left and right. She ended up with a broken nose and as for jisung...he only got a bruise on his left eye, it wasn't serious or anything, it will heal faster than normal but still. Soon they found themselves in the principals office. Minho ran for his life when he heard the news about his boyfriend and a crazy bitch trying to start something. I guess it's true what they say, karma's a bitch because the three girls who were behind this were expelled from school. Jisung only got a week suspension which he and Minho used to there advantage, yeah Minho didn't get expelled or anything he just wanted to stay with his baby.

                 Didn't actually want to write it
           this way but it's whatever, might do
                a book on this one though

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       Pls request I'm running out of ideas 🗿

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