// Chapter 5 // movies and that stupid dream got me happy

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"Scarlet. Scarlet!"

"huh? what happened?" i woke up surprised.

"you fell asleep when we were watching the movie" Louis looked at me and smirked.

Wait so was i dreaming? Did I even meet harry? What happened?

"What do you mean? You met that harry lad before I came over silly!"

Wait did Louis just hear my thoughts?
"Scar how would I hear your thoughts? You just-"
"SCARLET YOU'RE JUST THINKING OUT LOUD!" Louis almost yelled then laughed at my facial expression that followed. I realised my mouth was wide open and I closed it. I looked into the distance as thoughts of the past popped into my head. I was reminded of all the bad. All the-

"Are you okay, Scar?" i was so confused and i could see that Louis was concerned. I noticed something cold run down my cheek and wiped it quickly.
"Oh uh yeah I'm fine" i forced a smile on my face but I was still confused as hell. "Just tired" I stated.
"You sure?" Louis asked, and I nodded reassuring him. He smiled and put his arm around me.
"Wanna watch another movie? Oh wait never mind you should get to sleep. It's still dark." Louis gave me a big kiss on the cheek and tucked me in. By now I was fast asleep but I heard his footsteps leaving the room. I opened my eyes to check what time it was and it was 4AM, so I shut my eyes again.


I felt something cold and wet on my face I opened my eyes and there was my dog licking away ughhhh. I pushed him off the bed, groaning and looked at the time. Still 07:21 AM ! I turned away giving my back to the door, and just as I was about to sleep I heard my parents voices' raising by the minute. They were arguing. Again.
I pulled the pillow from under my head and bashed it on top of my head angrily holding the pillow hoping I wouldn't hear them anymore.
unfortunately it didn't work and I still could not sleep. I soon became even more angry and not because I couldn't sleep, but because I knew I couldn't take anymore of their shit.
I got out of bed, tired but angry and picked up a suitcase from next to my wardrobe. I then opened my wardrobe and threw everything in careless about how unorganised it was. I forced it to zip up and picked up the outfit I chose for myself. I slipped on my leopord ripped jeans, and chose it to go with a black tank top with golden glittery angel wings on the back.
To be honest I really wasn't making an effort to look good at this moment because i couldnt give two shits but this looked CUTE! I picked up my hair comb and combed my tangled long bronze hair and I felt it tickle my back when I was done. I picked up my lip gloss and applied some, with bright silverish pink shimmered across my lips. I took hold of my suitcase and dragged it across my room, throwing out of my bedroom window. Of course, my parents didn't hear it because they were too busy screaming at each other taking no notice of their daughter. ME.
I climbed down and I walked and walked and you know what? I never looked back. Not even once. I felt proud that I had finally left my misery. I had escaped.

I opened my phone and clicked on Louis' number. He never picked up the first time, I left him a voice message.
"Louis I really need you right now and I left home I ran away I'm never going back there again and...I kind of need to talk to you please call me."
Immediately my phone started ringing and Louis' name flashed on my screen, I quickly answered and heared a worried Louis' shooting questions down the phone.
"Scar? You okay? What's going on? You ran away? What happened? Where are you going to stay? You-"
"Louis, please can I come over and tell you everything? And...can I ask a favour of you?" I asked praying silently.
"Of course!" He said in an obvious tone.
"Can I possibly...only if your okay with it...can I stay at yours? Just until I find my own-"
"Scarlet." Louis said in a tone. "ARE YOU CRAZY? COME OVER NOW! OF COURSE YOU CAN! STAY FOREVER IF YOU HAVE TO!" we both started giggling. "I'll be right there, Lou. Bye! Love you!" I said
"Love you too!" He said. I ended the call and was on my way to Lou.

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