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Ireland and Bulgaria 

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Ireland and Bulgaria 


Chapter three

Third person view

Clutching their shopping, Mr. Weasley in the lead, they all ran into the forest along the lantern-lit path. They could hear the din of thousands of people moving around them, shouts, laughter, and snatches of song. The atmosphere of feverish excitement was extremely contagious; Isaac couldn't stop smiling as Hermione tugged at his wrist. They walked through the forest for twenty minutes, talking and joking loudly, until they finally emerged on the other side and found themselves in the shadow of a gigantic stadium. Although Isaac could only see parts of the immense golden walls that surrounded the pitch, he could easily tell that ten cathedrals could easily fit inside it.

"It seats a hundred thousand people," said Mr. Weasley, seeing the look of amazement on the boy's face. "A Ministry task force of five hundred people has been working on it all year. There are Muggle-Repelling Charms on every inch of it. Every time the Muggles had approached the area this year, they had suddenly remembered urgent business and had to rush away... God bless them,” he added fondly, heading for the nearest gate, which was already surrounded by a swarm of screaming witches and wizards.

“Prime seats!” the Ministry witch at the gate exclaimed as she checked their entrances. “Honor box! Go straight up, Arthur, as high as you can.”

The stairs leading up to the stadium were covered in bright purple carpets. They climbed with the rest of the crowd, which gradually dispersed through the doors to the right and left that led into the stands. Mr. Weasley’s group continued up and finally reached the top of the stairs, where there was a small box, set up at the highest point of the stadium and situated exactly between the two golden goals. About twenty gold and purple chairs had been arranged in two rows, and Isaac, as he and the Weasleys entered the first, was met with a sight that would never cease to amaze him.

A hundred thousand witches and wizards were filling the seats that were raised in various tiers around the long oval pitch. Everything was bathed in an eerie golden glow that seemed to radiate from the stadium itself. From up here, the pitch looked like velvet. On each side were three goal hoops, fifty feet high; opposite them, almost at eye level with Isaac, was a gigantic blackboard. Golden words ran endlessly across the board as if a giant invisible hand were writing and then erasing them; looking closer, Harry saw that the board was projecting advertisements onto the pitch.

a family-friendly broomstick
“safe, reliable, equipped with an anti-theft alarm… Mrs. Skower’s Magical All-Purpose Remover: painless and colorless!… Magical Fashion Ragdoll”
London, Paris, Hogsmeade…

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