Chapter 7: I'm Going to Kill You.

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Picture of Phillip to the side, you will meet him later. ------------>

Song on the side, its the song later in the chapter (its actually Cassadee Pope - who is casted at Cassidy Knightlock, who will be singing the song). Listen to it and read the lyrics at the same time for the full effect!

BTW: Not claiming the lyrics, just borrowing them.... Enough said.

Enjoy! :)


(Cassidy's P.O.V.) 

The music was loud and obnoxious. The current person attempting to sing a song, I've never heard, was burning my ears. Their voice was pitchy and way to high pitched to be a male. I turned to look at them to make sure he was a male like I guessed, yep, definitely a male. A bear-bellied, bald man - well wolf. How his voice was that high for his rotund appearance was a mystery. His voice reminded me of something; I just couldn't put my finger on it. 

I turned back around and continued on my way to look for Logan. Where are you? I asked him through the pack link. You will see in a minute C. He responded quickly, almost rushed like. What was that about?  

Suddenly the fat man abruptly stopped singing. Thank the goddess! I was starting to get a headache from his screeching. He sounded like a banshee! That was what he reminded me of. Agreed, thought Logan. I turned towards the stage just in time to see Logan walk across the stage with a man I've never seen before. He had blond curls and a strong jaw. Everything about him screamed "sex god." Tight shirt, showing off his muscles; leather jacket, nicely fitted blackwash jeans, combat boots, and extremely cocky and powerful aura. His aura told me he was an alpha, maybe Riley was his beta? Why would a pack run such a mundane bar? Most packs are rich enough to no have to run any businesses like this one. Maybe they were female-less and needed an outlet? I would find that amusing! I'll have to ask Riley later. 

"Welcome everyone." The sex god of a man said into the mike. "I'd like to introduce an old friend of mine, Logan." The crowd clapped, but I was apprehensive. What was going on? How did Logan know him? The man handed the mike to Logan. 

"Hello everyone, nice to see some familiar faces here tonight. I'd like to call everyone's attention to a very special person here tonight. Cassidy, where are you?" Logan was smirking through his whole little speech. By the end I was ready to kill him. Why in the goddess' name would he make me come up on that stage? I was going to kill him later. You are dead old man. I thought to him venomously. We'll see. He thought back cockily.  

"Come on Cassidy, make your way up here!" Logan decided to semi-shout into the mike. I gave in and made my way up to the stage, slowly. A spotlight turned to me and followed me up to the stage, great more unwanted attention. Once I reached Logan I punched him in the arm. "Oi! What was that for?" He held his hand over the mike when he said this.  

"That was for drawing so much attention to me when you know I hate it!" I shot back at him.  

"You'll thank me later miss-ungrateful." He said while rubbing his arm. What a baby, werewolves have advanced healing. He won't even have a bruise. I rolled my eyes at him, he acted younger than I did. He uncovered the mike and said, "Why don't we have a round of applause for my daughter Cassidy!" The crowd enthusiastically clapped. Great, where was this heading now? "Now, Cassidy will sing us her audition song!" Logan handed me the mike. 

"What am I supposed to do with this?!" I yelled at him, eyebrows raised. "What am I auditioning for? And are you trying to get killed?!" I was furious. He expected me to perform in front of all these people? No. No way! 

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