I know I have been AWOL for a LOOOONG time!! I don't blame y'all if you aren't as into this anymore, but I am still writing I have just been really really busy! Enough excuses I know, but I have had this almost finished for a while, thought I should just sit down and write, so I did!!
Shout out to my new followers: 80sChickee, BadBoys-R-Us, lilkiwi, VampireDiaries78978, and MeslyssaGreene :) I love you all <3
There is a link to the song for this chapter on the side-->
(Cassidy's P.O.V.)
I was glad I settled some things with Riley, I was never right to lead him on like I was. He deserved the happiness he was just telling me about - the one he is going to go and find. I was proud of him for stepping up, rejecting the whore I am forced to call a sister, and trying to move on to someone who isn't me. I know I jumped from Riley to Damen, after swearing I didn't want him, so fast, but that's the thing about mates - you already know that you are meant to be, no matter what. I decided that I should try and put the past behind us and just look towards the future instead of all the mistakes made in the past.
The fact is, that I love Damen whether or not I want to admit it, always have, and always will. I used to hate the fact I loved him, ergo thinking I hated him, but I realize that was never the case - I physically cannot hate him. Call it the effects of the mating bond, but I will forever be in love with him - I even used to have a giant crush on him when we were younger but never pursued it because I feared rejection... I guess I was right to fear it, we all know what happened. But as I was saying, everything is in the past now and I am planning on just trying to take steps forward instead of back from now on... As soon as we tie up loose ends, everything can hopefully just get back to normal - or as normal as it can be.
Coming back to Damen's - well our - room, I was having mixed feelings. I needed to get this matter taken care of, but I was dreading having to go through with it again. Walking into the room I saw Damen sitting on the bed and doing some paperwork. "Need any help?" I said effectively making him jump, so much for werewolf hearing huh? I had to laugh.
"Hey that's not funny!" Damen mockingly pouted.
"Yes it is!" I said still giggling at his pouty face.
"I'll show you funny!" Damen suddenly stood up and raced towards me, picked me up, and threw me on the bed. He then began to tickle me.
"Stop!" I yelled. "This is hardly fair!" I was gasping from air.
"I won't stop until you promise to never sneak up on me again." Damen said sternly.
"Never!" I refused to agree to that, as his reaction was hilarious every time.
"Suit yourself then." Damen shrugged and continued tickling me.
After what seemed like hours, I finally gave in. "Fine I won't!"
"Oh no, you have to promise it!" He said immaturely.
"Fine I promise!" I yelled.
"Promise what?"
"Damen!" I was getting frustrated now.
"Just say it." He said, "I'll stop when you say it!"
"I PROMISE NOT TO SNEAK UP ON YOU AGAIN!" He stopped. "I think you broke my rib." I pouted now.
"Want me to kiss it better?" Damen said raising his eyebrows suggestively. I just hit him on the back of the head.

Are You Happy Now?
WerewolfTo grow up in a world where female shifters are rare, being one is a big deal- and thats why Cassidy hides that she is one from the rest of the pack. When Cassidy turns sixteen she is finally able to find her mate; the one person who is made to love...