Chapter 20: Here We Go Again

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I hope you guys (girls) don't hate me after reading this chapter! I will try to update again tomorrow if I get TEN more VOTES tonight alone.

Let's do this!


(Cassidy's P.O.V.) 

In a few days I was scheduled to head home via "request" of my mom. By request I mean guilt trip which ensured making me cave and come back temporarily. I told my mom I would come home for a few months and see how it went. If it went well and I could live with being there again I would stay. But if it was just as bad, or worse, than before then I wouldn't be sticking around past putting the pack back into stable hands. And if Damen for any reason views my return as an opportunity to get with me then he is mistaken. If he so much as tries I will no reign in my wolf from revenge; all hell will break loose. This shall be an interesting reunion.  

Riley has volunteered to come with Evangeline and I. He said I shouldn't have to face all of the drama that is sure to happen by myself. He is going to be my shoulder to lean on, well him and my mom. My mom and Riley really hit it off too. She really like him and says him and I would have been a better match for mates then Damen and I. I agree but fate is a bitch, it likes to toy around with people. Maybe I will just have to settle down with a human.... It's possible. In order for a wolf to be with a human then the human has to accept the wolf as their mate and let them mark them. The wolf's true mate will feel the excruciating pain of the bond breaking permanently if they are still alive. So I guess I always have that option... Would I feel guilty if I put Damen through that...? Nope. 

"Cassidy can you come and get your daughter? I have to get pack if I'm coming with you and this little Angel here is too cute. She keeps distracting me!" Riley whined from a few rooms over.  

I laughed and went to retrieve my daughter. "You offered to take her while I packed Ri." I reminded him. 

"Yeah, well that was before I realized you were going to take all morning! Like how much C-R-A-P do you need?" He spelled out crap just to make sure Evangeline wouldn't try and repeat it. We were warned by the pack doctor that any time now she would start talking and we didn't want her first word to be a bad one. 

"I got side tracked..." I said softly. 

"You have nothing to worry about." Riley said while pulling me in for a hug. His arms made me feel safe, it's a good feeling. "I'll be there the whole time. We will get through it all together." He said. Riley is such a goof friend. He immediately knows when I am upset or in a mood. He knows exactly how to make me feel better and make me smile. Why couldn't he have been my mate? We fit together like we should have been. 

"Thank you for coming with me Ri. You really are a great friend." I felt bad saying friend but we both knew if we got together one of us would end up hurt in the process. And that one person would be me when he found his mate.  

"Yeah friends..." I swear I heard him mumble, but I was hard to hear so I just pretended like I didn't hear it. It would be better that way.  

I grabbed my little Angel and told Riley to come find me when he was done packing. I would most likely just put Evangeline in my room in her play pen and continue with my own packing, and that is what I did. About a half an hour later I was done packing and playing with my baby girl. Evangeline was engrossed with her new teddy bear my mom had given to her after she left yesterday. I don't think she can figure out to what to do with it yet, she just has a puzzled look on her adorable little face. I went to walk away and grab a few of her things to bring with us when I heard it. 

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