Chapter 27: Jake

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  • Dedicated to My writing partner, Goofy

Sorry I have been busy with summer assignments:( Well here is this chapter, please dont hate me!


(Jake's P.O.V.) 

When I was rejected and my wolf stopped talking to me, meaning he shut down and I wasn't able to shift anymore. Then I say I'm going to go look for Cassidy: on foot. Not my best choice by far. I was walking for what felt like hours before I even came across her scent. I followed it for what felt like another few hours, but decided to head back seeing as it was starting to get dark out. Maybe Cassidy went back and the trail would only lead back to the pack house?  

On my way back I took my time. I admired all the little things that everyone normally misses: the birds flying from branch to branch so gracefully it seems unreal, the gurgling of the streams echoing throughout the forest, robins picking worms out of the dirt, bees buzzing from flower to flower, even just the earthy smell you find after rain. Everything is so beautiful if you just stop and look at it, most people just don't open their eyes enough. With all my looking I forgot to keep a watch out for attack. Before I knew it I was surrounded by five angry rogues. Some with red eyes: cannibals - just great. 

I felt a familiar surge overcome my body. It was similar to shifting but I hadn't done that in a while, I couldn't be could I? Was my wolf really letting me shift? To protect myself? Surely enough I found myself on all fours - it felt a little strange having been in human form for a good few months now, but it was like riding a bike: you never forget. I quickly took my fight stance and howled up to let the pack know the rogues were there and attacking. Sometimes they just pass through, others they do this, my lucky day right?  

Then the one who I would guess is their "leader," even though rogues don't follow leaders - odd, attacked me first. He was big and brown, and came flying at me - teeth bared. I dodged his attack but didn't see the next one coming. I was rusty in wolf form, slower and weaker.  

I just hoped the goddess was on my side, to help me pull through this.  

And that help was on the way in case that wasn't the case.  

(Cassidy's P.O.V.) 

I jumped, shredding the clothes Riley and Damen had just given me, and took off full speed at the woods. The only thing I was thinking about was Jake. Would he be okay? No, he had to be. I haven't had the time to talk with him yet: I couldn't lose him yet either. I can't lose any more people in my life. I lost my chance at my mate, and most likely ended up being what got my adoptive father killed. I couldn't - no I wouldn't lose my brother too. I pushed myself harder, following his scent through the forest. What was he even doing out here anyways?  

Before I could ponder that I caught the scent of about five rogues, their scents were right next to Jakes' - meaning they must have been following him, scoping him out to see if he was an easy target. I pushed myself harder yet, running faster than I ever had before. My legs were starting to burn with the strain I was putting on them but I ignored it and pushed through it with only two things on my mind: finding Jake and killing the rogues. It had been a while since my last kill. 

I burst into the clearing to see yet another heart wrenching scene. The rogues had pinned down Jake and were just biting and clawing at him. He looked like he had given up and like he wouldn't be able to maintain wolf form for much longer. He was losing way too much blood too fast; his werewolf healing wasn't helping him much because with every wound that started to heal the wolves left two or more in its place. They were giving a whole new meaning to playing with their food before they ate it.  

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