Hey guys!! So my best friend has recently joined wattpad! And she has started writing this AMAZING new book called A Lightyear Away. You should all check it out, I absolutely love it! You will too! This chapter is dedicated to her: justme1623, I love you girlie<3
(Damen's P.O.V.)
Today is the day. Today I am finally going to ask my beautiful mate to go on a date with me; I just hope she says yes... Why would she even say no? Have I given her any reason to? No, no I haven't, not lately anyways. I've been trying my best to be the mate I should've been from the start. I am trying to make up for past mistakes while making sure that I do everything I can to keep the smile on her gorgeous face.
Standing outside her old bedroom's door I couldn't have been any more nervous. My heart was pounding, it felt like it was beating out of my chest, and my hands were getting sweaty. Just thinking about getting rejected hurt, how could I have ever actually put her threw it? That's in the past though, we agreed to move on, but sometime very soon she would know my real reason for doing what I did, and she would finally understand. My heart was still hammering in my chest; I thought she might even be able to hear it. Get a grip Damen! I chanted to myself. You can do this. I took a deep breath and walked into the room.
The sight I came across literally took my breath away. There was my beautiful mate smiling at her adorable little daughter. She was dressed in a simple tank top and yoga capris, hair up in a messy bun and no make-up, yet she took my breath away. She was simply stunning and she didn't even have to try. She was spinning around the adorable little Angel, who looked like she was very much enjoying herself. She was giggling that cute little giggle that seemed to instantly bring a smile to your face, making you want to laugh right along, which is exactly what my stunning mate was doing. Her laugh sounded like bells, it is the sweetest sound I have ever heard. The scene had me smiling too.
I got so caught up in staring in awe that I didn't notice Cassidy looking my way teasingly. I'd obviously been caught checking her out, not that I minded, seeing as I have seen almost all of my delectable mate during the last month, especially during her heat. I almost wished that her heat could've lasted longer; I liked having her all to myself, no complications or drama, just us and our wolves. It took all the restraint I had not to mark her during that week, but I didn't want to mark her then. Hell yes I wanted to see my mark on her shoulder, warding off all other males, but I wanted to claim her when we completed our mating, when I knew she really accepted me and had forgiven me.
"Hey can you come and take her for a sec? I have to just clean up from her bath. Today she learned that splashing at mommy was fun, it's her new favorite game I think." She joked.
"Sure." I laughed. I took the little Angel from her and I couldn't help but notice that she looked so much like Cassidy and I. She could easily be taken as our daughter, hell it feels like she practically is. She is a major part of Cassidy and therefore part of me too. I almost wished she was ours biologically. Where would Cassidy and I have been had I accepted her as soon as I realized she was mine? Would we have already started a family of our own? Gotten married? Taken over the pack together? Would we -
"Hey, you're doing it again." Cassidy interrupted my train of thought.
"How'd you know -" I started to ask how she knew what I was thinking about but she interrupted me yet again.
"You get this really sad look on your face. You look so sad." She walked up to me and reached up to smooth the brow I didn't even know was furrowed. "You have to stop thinking like that. You have me now, isn't that enough?" She smiled up at me sadly.

Are You Happy Now?
WerewolfTo grow up in a world where female shifters are rare, being one is a big deal- and thats why Cassidy hides that she is one from the rest of the pack. When Cassidy turns sixteen she is finally able to find her mate; the one person who is made to love...