Chapter 28: Hope Yet

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Sorry this took so long to post, I was busy all week until now. Please let me know what you think of this chapter please!


(Damen's P.O.V.) 

I got woken up from the best sleep of my life by my mate screaming and falling out of the bed, and not so gracefully if I may add.  

"What the hell?!" Cassidy yelled. Her hair was quite knotted, her makeup was a bit smeared, and her clothes were all wrinkled but to me, she had never looked more beautiful. "What am I doing in your room? In your freakin' bed?" She continued to yell accusingly. 

"Just sit down and relax and I'll explain everything." I offered carefully. She just stood there glaring at me, making no effort to move. "Okay," I said drawing the word out, "How about we start with what you remember from last night?" I said slowly, not wanting to intentionally make her feel any more pain then she had already had to deal with.  

Her eyes instantly began to tear up. She collapsed to the floor and began to bawl her beautiful green eyes out again. I immediately jumped up from the bed and scooped her up in my arms similar to the way I had last night, only this time she didn't resist. My wolf purred with delight that we weren't rejected right away, the only to almost burst with happiness when she leaned closer and buried her head in my neck. Everywhere our skin touched was like sparks flying, it was the most wonderful feeling I had ever felt.  

"Shhh," I cooed. "Everything is going to be okay." I said while rubbing her back soothingly.  

"No it's not." She choked out. "I can't do this again. I c-can't lose an-another pers-" She never finished her sentence for another wave of tears overtook her. I just kept reassuring her everything would be okay all the while rubbing her back and placing a few kisses on the top of her head. She smelled amazing, like vanilla and berries.  

She cried for at least an hour before she began to calm down. She lulled herself back to sleep again from exhaustion so I just tucked her back under the cover of what I hoped would soon be our bed, then went to the kitchen to make us some food because she would definitely be hungry when she woke up. 

Upon entering the kitchen I came across Briella and Riley in what seemed to be a very heated argument. But as soon as I walked into the kitchen further, and they noticed I was there, Briella just stormed away. Good riddance.  

"How is she?" Riley asked me bringing me out of my thoughts.  

"She woke up about two hours ago and she just cried the whole time." I said sadly. It hurt me to see her in that much pain. 

"Last time someone close to her died we had to put her in a temporary coma, but that also had to do with her injuries..." Riley trailed off. 

"What are you talking about? What do you mean 'last time'?" I pressed. 

"That day at the club, the day you found her," He paused as if asking me if I recalled that day. I nodded, how could I ever forget it? I motioned for him to continue. "Well, that was also the day she temporarily died... Anyways, I was the one who found her. She was being attacked by a rouge and her, I guess you could call him her adoptive father, was fighting off the rouge while she was bleeding out on the ground. By the time I managed to get her back to the pack house her heart had stopped from the blood loss, but we got her back, as you can see. When I went back to see if her father, his name was Logan, survived all I found was the dead rouge and a large pool of blood that belonged to Logan. He couldn't have survived that much blood loss either, it would've been nearly impossible." He explained. "When Cassidy found out, she kinda broke down. She wouldn't eat unless I forced her, she wouldn't talk, she was barely there at all. It took months before she even spoke again. That was also the day she found Evangeline." He said.  

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