Chapter 13: Is This Heaven...Or Hell?

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Picture of Briella to the side (Cassidy's sister) ----->

Song that inspired this chapter also, listen if you want.

Shout out to my three new followers! lovebunny212, MandaMartin, and tomboy854!


(Cassidy's P.O.V.) 

When I opened my eyes, the first thing I noticed was that I was in the middle of a clearing. There were red tulips surrounding me, my favorite flower. The sun was shining through the breaks in the trees, making it look even more magical. Birds chirped, a warm summer breeze drifted through the clearing, and butterflies of every color gracefully flew from tulip to tulip. I had to be dreaming! 

I noticed I was sitting up looking around but when I made a move to stand, an arm wrapped around my waist, securely holding me in place. My initial reaction would have been to go on defense, but I just relaxed into whoever it was - how odd! I turned my neck to look up at who it was, and I wasn't even that surprised to find Damen smiling down at me. It was now that I knew I had to be dead. There was no way, that if I was alive, Damen and I would ever embrace like we are now. Damen didn't want me back in the real world, but here he seemed to looking at me like I was the only one for him. Yep, I was definitely dead.  

"Where are we?" I asked Damen. He was wearing a white button up shirt and khakis. He looked good enough to eat. As I looked into his deep blue eyes I notice he had small flecks of green in them, sort of close to my eye color. I wonder if that's just a coincidence? I also noticed that when he smiled a little dimple on the right side of his mouth made an appearance. Damen had a very subtle wave of freckles across his nose and on his chin he had a small scar, I wonder how that happened? And as my eyes made their way to his very kissable lips, all I could think about was kissing him then and there but he answered my question breaking me out of my little trance before I could. 

"It seems like we are in heaven, don't you agree?" He gave me a small smile and I returned it while nodding in agreement. I was in heaven, of that much I was sure.

After a few moments of just enjoying the serenity of the moment, Damen broke the silence once again. "Why did you run that day? I mean I know why but I want to know why you ran from me the second time." 

I thought it over, "I guess I just wasn't ready to face you yet. I was just starting my life over. I had a new family, one that actually cared about me. One that didn't look at me as an outcast or not good enough. They accepted me with open arms. They didn't pressure me into telling my past or even judge me. It was like I was a completely different person." I sighed then something clicked. "No, that's a lie." Damen's brow furrowed in confusion. "I wasn't a different person. I became who I was always supposed to be. I found myself, or was beginning to." I explained. 

Damen thought all this over. "Do you think you would have ever come back home? I mean to your old home?"  

"I think I may have come back at some point... I wouldn't be able to leave my mom or Jake behind for much longer. I was already missing them greatly every day, I felt so guilty for leaving them like I did. But I don't think I would have stuck around forever, I would have left after I tied up all my loose ends." I answered, and i nearly winced as a sudden murmuring noise poped into my ears, but it quicky dies down and I pushed it aside in my mind, much more concerned about what Damen had to say. 

"Would you have come to see me at all? Or would you avoid me?" Damen whispered. He sounded vulnerable, almost liked it hurt him to even ask the question. Like he feared, or dreaded, the answer.  

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