Chapter 10

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In the moments of life where we are granted serenity it is one of the most beautiful feelings we could ever feel. This moment my friend, is right now. As I burrow myself into him, I can feel his warmness keeping me through the night. A smile plaster across my face as I take in the moment of now. In this presence moment, nothing matters not the past, not the future I'm just so caught up with the feeling of being present. Who would have thought that this man would be someone I would be cuddling with? No one, no one at all. The sun as luminescence as he can be shines through the slit in my curtains as the air condition carries them like tithes of the ocean.
How amazing it is to feel safe. I haven't felt that in a long ass time. As I roll over, I realize Xavier is no where to be found. A weh di rass this? Jumping up I look around the room, he is no where to be found. Did he-Did he leave without saying goodbye? Oh wow. As I look at my alarm clock, I realize what time it is. Oh shit! 7:30 am I should be up from a long time ago. I scrambled in the bed as I make my way to the restroom to freshen up. My hair looks like a foul nest.

I smell the fresh buttery aroma of pancake coming from the kitchen, as I hear some noise coming from the kitchen. A smile came across my face when indeed, he didn't leave he is just making breakfast in the kitchen. What a sweetheart! I make my way to the kitchen to see what he was actually cooking and to my surprising this man body was cooking itself; he was smoking hot! The way his muscles flex each time he moved the spatula, and the concentration into making the pancakes; "Good morning Xaiv, you know what you are doing or you need help?" I ask him. "You don't have these great skills, for sure" he said as he steadily holds focus on the pancakes. "Come here" he urges me.

As I walk over to him, I can feel the tension already in the air between us or is it just me? He held his hand out and pulled me in for a hug. In the midst of the hug, I looked up and stare in his pretty brown eyes and they stare in my soul. He smiles down on me and give me a kiss on my forehead. "I didn't know I was going to wake the late I normally be up earlier, but I guess that champagne did a number on me last night." I said. "It did a number on both of us cause look at as us now." He said reassuringly. But does he mean that in a good way or a bad way? Ugh I hate this feeling, whatever this is I really don't wanna ruin it for both of us or for me at least. "Is that in a good way or bad way?" "Good way of course, you're a very beautiful girl and as I said I want to get to know you more for you. Not your body for you baby girl. So nuh badda wid that, me rate you." He said to me. As he placed the eggs and pancakes on the dining table, I'm just thinking, it seems like he been living here forever cause this man maneuvering my kitchen like shit. I'm not complaining at but good God I could do this all day everyday.

As we sit to eat, I turn the television on so I could tune into some Smile Jamaica before I attempt to start my day. "What are your plans for today?" I ask him. He looks at his phone and shrug. "I have a meeting at 12 and a few projects I have to either finish or work on today throughout the night. So, after we are done, I'll be leaving so I could go home and wash up and start my day." I then remember I have to meet with a few hotel managers about the food produce and the schedule they need for upcoming deliveries. "I have a busy day too." I said to him. "Okay, I would love to do this some other time, so if you're free tonight we could get some ice cream, me know how you love you ice cream." He said as he stares at me mischievously. Sir don't tempt I woke in the mood for just that, a little temptation here and there. "I would let you know." I gave him a big smile. After finishing eating breakfast, I walked him to the door and an empty feeling came over over from the thought that he will be leaving soon. "Don't be a stranger now." "Nah, you will see me sooner than you think." He pulled me in for a hug and I melt in his arms. Leaving my house in the clothes from last night, like-who would have thought. Knowing me, I will make space for some of his here but I'm pushing it. I look up on him and then my eyes move to his lips; how delicious they look. "Don't be shy,kiss me" he whispered to me. You don't have to tell me twice.

I held his face gently in the palm of my hands and gave him a kiss on his forehead, slowly moved to each cheek and gave him a passionate kiss on his lips. As his mouth parted our tongues caressed each other and I can feel the feeling of lust and desire taking over me. I pulled away as from him," Have a good day Mr. Blackwood" I said. He looked at me with fire burning in his eyes, then he chuckled. "I'll see you soon empress." He embraced me once more, as he walks to his car. I watched him leave from my apartment complex before I go inside. Meeks! I have to call her and tell her the tea cause it sure is pouring hot.

"Hey Meeks, Wah gwaan! ""Hey baby what's poppin?" She said. "Girl, I have so much to tell you. Me and Xaiv- ""Wait don't tell me yall, yall had sex? Jesus have mercy pinch me pinch me!" She said while bursting out laughing. "No ma'am we didn't, but it almost happened but he said he wanted to get to know me more before going there." "Awe that's so sweet of him, knowing Xavier girl that's really good. He really likes you and I LOVE that for you, my baby." "So is he a man whore, because I don't want this to be a next Brian." "Girl hmm- I wouldn't say man whore, but he never really had no one serious except that one crasis gal. But you know money man get girls flocking, but you're different and he wouldn't dare to hurt you, I'm sure of it." Hmm- now you know imma be in my head. If he is anything like what Brian dished out to me, God knows I will set fire to the rain.

We spoke for a little bit more, about girls' stuff, boys of course and the new perfumes, because we are those girls. After rapping up our conversation, I started orchestrating all my meeting and get dressed for my zooms. Hair pinned up, black eyeliner on and brown eyeshadow will set the tone of not to be fucked with I'm strictly business, I like to tell my self that. "Okay, that sounds great, we are looking forward to the new delivery and increase production we get here. Thank you again!" The hotel manager tells me. Whew! I need some wine after that successful meeting I get poised for the other few I have with the local supermarkets which is normally short by phone which I don't mind. The steady flow of money really keeps me going knowing my dad is super proud of me. Unbuttoning the buttons of my shirt, I relaxed in my sofa while I watch the vampire diaries for the third consecutive time. Yes, I am her she is me. I can rewatch a whole series 1000 times because who don't like to watch the Salvatore brothers? Yeah exactly.

As I relax with a glass of wine to simmer me during the day, I hear a knock at my door. Like whom the hell is this knocking, and I don't damn well it ain't the Jehovah witness? Like weh di rass! The knock became loud and obnoxious with every three beats to the door. "A who! "I shouted. Now this-this is what we not gon do. I hastily went to the door to see what creature audacity has this much measured up inside them. "Wha- ""Hi Sarai, I came to apologize for yesterday and me being you some flowers. "Looking at this arrogant piece of shit in desbelief I couldn't fathom what to say. "Yah go let me in or Wah?" I flickered my eyes to his. "Brian- "he nudges passed me almost pushing me out the door frame as he went into my house. What the hell!

Hey loves! Brian just had to be THAT guy.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06 ⏰

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