Aquarium | Chapter 4

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- Narrators POV -

Scraps was waiting on the couch for Goob to get ready. He was taking a longer time than usual. "Hey Goob, you ready yet?" Scraps peeked in his room. It looked like he just got ready. "Sorry! I was too excited for today I couldn't sleep.." Goob laughed. "Excited to see Shrimpo huh?" Scraps teased. "Oh stop that!" Goob demanded. "It's just that we haven't went to an aquarium in a while." "Oh yeah you're right." Scraps realized. "Now come on before we're late to the bus!" Goob quickly put on his backpack and followed her outside.

Shrimpo sat down at the bench, waiting for the bus. This morning, he made a little gift for Goob since he forgot to give his drawing yesterday. Shrimpo slowly realized that he's been thinking about him all morning. 'I swear, that craft is always on my mind.' Shrimpo thought as he sighed, feeling his face warm up at the thought of him. Shrimpo shook his head and looked back up, noticing Goob and his sister arriving. Goob walked over and sat next to him. "Good morning Shrimpo! What's that?" Goob questioned. Shrimpo grabbed the bag and held it out to him. "It's for you, since I forgot to bring my drawing yesterday." Shrimpo mumbled. Goob's eyes twinkled. "Wow, thank you!" Goob said with a big smile as he held the bag. He took out the drawing first and stared at it, then smiled. "You have a unique way of drawing." Shrimpo didn't know if that was an insult or a compliment.

Goob then took out the last thing, it was a little bunny plushie. Shrimpo looked away awkwardly. "I know it's stupid.." "I love it! It looks so cute." Goob exclaimed as he looked at it. He then softly smiled. "... just like you." "HUH?!" Shrimpo screamed, his face turning red. Goob covered his mouth. "Uhh nothing!" Goob said, turning away. It was silent between them for a moment. They heard footsteps coming towards them, and it was Finn. "Hey guys!" He grinned, looking at them. "Woah, it looks a bit seal-rious between you two!" Finn laughed. "SHUT UP!" Shrimpo yelled with a frown, crossing his arms. Finn then looked over at Goob, who had a faint blush on his face. He started to see what was going on here. "Hey, is there something you 'sea' in Goob?" Finn teasingly whispered to Shrimpo. "NO!! GET AWAY FROM ME!" Shrimpo shouted with a red face, attempting to push him away. "Guys cut it out! " Goob broke in. They became silent.

- At the school -

The students all went into a line to go on the field trip bus. "Wow, this bus looks so much more comfortable than other buses." Brightney observed. "And there is 3 seats in a row! So we can all sit together." Scraps said as she signaled to Tisha and Brightney. "Ok I'll sit with you guys." Tisha reluctantly agreed. As the three of them walked to find their seats, they saw Shrimpo, Goob, and Finn sitting together. "Hi guys!" Goob waved. "There's a free row right next to ours, sit there." "Oh right, thank you." Scraps thanked as they all sat down. "All right come down, settle down." The bus driver spoke in the speaker. "Just to let you know, it will take 20 minutes to reach the aquarium." "Ok!" The students all said. The bus began to take off. Scraps looked over at Goob and Shrimpo. "Not Finn being the third wheeler.." Scraps whispered to Brightney. "It's ok they're all friends." Brightney whispered back. Tisha was just sitting peacefully looking out the window.

- At the aquarium -

The students all line up in their classes. A magnifying glass comes up to Goob's class. "Hello everyone, my name is Rodger and I will be your supervisor for this field trip." Rodger introduces. "Remember to stay close to your classmates in case if you get lost. Now, follow me inside." The class excitedly follows. "Wow, it looks so cool in here!" Goob says, admiring everything. "I know right?" Scraps agreed. Rodger started to talk again. "So, now you are going to go to the area you and your partner will be observing and documenting. You may go now." The class scatters around, trying to look for their areas. Shrimpo and Goob walk beside each other. "Let's see.." Goob looks at the paper the teacher gave them, "The jellyfish should be about a few more steps ahead." Shrimpo stayed quiet and followed, looking around. They eventually reached the jellyfish exhibit, sitting down on a bench nearby. "Wow.. this is so pretty." Goob said in awe. "Yea.." Shrimpo answered. They started to jot down information on their papers.

Operation: Friend | Goob x Shrimpo | Highschool auWhere stories live. Discover now