Chapter 4

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I'm at Alexa's house, we're in her room laying on her bed watching Empire on FOX.

"Jamal is so cute why is he gay!!!" - Alexa

I laughed.

"I love Cookie oh my gosh, Anikah gottah go wtf."

"Deadass." - Alexa

"Al you know that knew kid Crash?? He just came from Canada?"

"Yeah he's cute girl." - Alexa

"So today in the morning he was with Tyler the pothead, and then he walked over to me and asked for my number..."

"Jen ARE YOU SERIOUS." - Alexa

"Yup, he told me I was really pretty then he asked for my number and went back to Tyler."

"Has he texted you or something??" - Alexa

I pressed on my home button..: No notifications.

"No, nothing."

"He'll probably call you tonight! If he does text me RIGHT after he does okay!" - Alexa

I laughed again.

"Of course. I'm gonna go though it's starting to get dark, love you."

I put on my jacket, picked up my bag, and walked downstairs.

"Love you more!!" - Alexa

It's 10:00 in the night and I've just been in my room on Netflix watching The Office. This show makes me laugh too much.

Ding Ding.

"Hey." - 001-090-0190

"Hi who's this?"

I got a reply about 20 mins later.

"Crash." -001-090-0190


"Wanna FaceTime?" -Crash

I currently look like shit omg.

"Yeah give me a few minutes." (Read 10:40 pm)

Okay I have about 10 minutes to get ready, let's go.

I took my hair out the bun I currently have, applied some concealer on some blemishes, put on a bra, (not that I need one. 32B) and put on my Cherry Me Baby Lips.

"Okay call" I texted Crash.

In less than a minute Crash was calling to FaceTime. I was kind of nervous.

I answered.

"Hey boo" -Crash


Crash had a black & blue bruise on his cheek

"What happened to you omg"

Crash laughed.

"I fought some kid at Taco Bell. He kept shoving into me while I was on the line, I asked him to stop nicely but he laughed and kept doing it again. So I pushed him and started hitting him in the face until his nose was bleeding. Then when I was turning around he got me off guard. Fucking pussy. Then they kicked me out of Taco Bell and I couldn't even get my dorito taco. Can you believe that??" -Crash

I laughed.

"You're crazy!"

"You have a pretty laugh." -Crash

I think I started blushing. Omg.

"Thanks, you too." I smiled and looked away from the camera.

"So tell me about yourself. Your fears, and what you believe in, what you hate and what you love, what are your dreams and what are your goals in life." -Crash

I was already liking him.

"I'm scared of the ocean & black panthers. But I'm also scared of getting my heart broken and losing the one I love. I believe the world is hard & that you will go through hard and tragic things in life, but in the end... It's an O.K. life. I hate too many things including myself. I love a lot of things, such as flowers and adventures, sleeping and writing, reading and watching movies. My dream is to be successful in life and prove to everyone who said I wouldn't make it, that I made it. And my goal in life is to be happy, and not let little shit ruin my happiness."

"You're one of a kind aren't you..." -Crash

He stares at me, surprised and amazed.

"I guess I am." I replied with a smile

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2016 ⏰

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