Chapter 2

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( So...I decided to change F/N to Anne. Why you ask? Because I wanna be in the story. xD)

you searched around your bag and pockets, only to notice that you've left your wallet at home.
'shit' you muttered
"I'll pay for it" said the person behind you.


You looked behind you to check who the person was, and you saw the awkward meme, Dan Howell, Dan freaking Howell.


He pulled out five pounds, and gave it to the lady behind the counter.

"And what would you like?" she asked Dan

"I'll get two caramel macchiatos, tall," he ordered.

"That would be four pounds(A/N:again I dont know how much it really costs)."

He payed the lady, and both of you awkwardly took your orders, you then face him.

"T-Thanks," you stutter.

"No problem," he flashed you a smile.

"Is there any way I can repay you?"

"It's fine you don't have to repay me!"

"R-Really?" You asked.


"Uh. Do you mind if I can get a picture?"

"You're a fan?"

"Yeah," You shyly replied.

"Then of course you can have a picture!"

You pull out your phone and took a quick selfie with Dan. After taking said selfie, you glanced at the time and remembered about Anne.

"I'm really sorry for the bother, but I have to go. Oh, and thanks again for paying!" you said, while putting your phone in your bag.

"Is that so? Well, then your welcome." he flashed you another one of his charming smile.

You left Starbucks, entered your car, placed your drinks in the cup holders, and drove of to Anne's apartment.

Once you arrived, you got out of your car, you took your drinks, and went up to Anne's flat. You took out your spare key, that Anne gave you, and opened the door.

"Delivery for Ms. Anne~!" You said in a sing-song manner, while handing her coffee.

"What took you so long?" she said, while drinking her coffee.

"There was a lot of people,and the line was so long," you replied.

"That's what sh-"

"Don't. Even. Continue," you said in a serious tone.

You two continued sipping your drinks, until Anne randomly asked.

"So... Do you have any plans for this week?"

"No, why?"

"Because it's so boring here, and you barely even visit."

"Well, what do you want to do then?"

"Hm. We can either go on a vacay, or we can prank everybody in England, including the queen, and take over the world!"

"First of all, we can't do either of those. Second, we'd probably get arrested doing the second one. Lastly, never say "vacay" ever again. Ever," you pointed out, giggling at your wittiness.

"So. What do?" She asked

"How about a sleepover?" You suggested.

"Okay, when?" She asked.

"Tomorrow, at my house," You answered.

Both of you finished your own drinks, and decided to head back home.

Word count: 452

So.. another chapter done!
The first part of this chapter was a little bit confusing, amirite? And there was A LOT of dialogue, emphasis on "a lot". It still ended up okay right? No? Okay.
ANYWAYS! I will see you in the next chapter, goodbye! :D

Dan Howell x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now