Chapter 3

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~The day after~

You woke up around 10 am, and you were now preparing you cereal.

Ring ring

You were getting a call from Anne.

"Good morning, Anne!" You answered cheerfully.

"Morning. When are you picking me up?" She asked.

You glanced at the clock, it was currently 10:45 am

"Around... 11:30," You answered.

"Okay, so... what are you doing?"

"Making cereal"

"Well, I'm just gonna leave you to that, goodbye!" She hung up.

You then finished making your cereal, you then starting eating. Once you've finished eating, you got in the shower and got dressed and prepared. You went out to your car, and started it up (A/N: idk how cars work *-*). You then drove of to Anne's house.

{Time skip~!}

Once you arrived, you saw Anne talking to one her neighbour, he was tall and wore mostly black, which is odd considering the heat in London. You felt like you recognise him, but brushed off. You saw Anne running towards your car. She opened up the door, and sat next to you in the front.

"Anne, who was that?" You asked.

"One of my neighbours," She answered.

"By any chance, is his name Dan Howell?" You asked, shocked by her previous answer.

"Yep. Anyways, enough about my neighbour, get driving woman!" She jokingly said.

"Yes, ma'am!" You said, playing along.

You started driving, and turned on the radio, "Toxic" by Britney Spears started playing. You and Anne decided to sing along.(A/N:heh. I'm too lazy to type all the "singing" thing.)

{Time skip (again)~!}

After a trip of occasional whining from Anne, you and Anne finally reached your apartment. You opened the door to your flat, and once it was open, you and Anne immediately dived into your couch. You two stayed on the couch for several hours scrolling tumblr, until both of you felt like cooking something.

"Let's cook spaghetti!" Anne suggested.

"But then we have to wait for the pasta to boil!" You stated.

"It'll be worth it!" Anne said, already taking out the ingredients.

"Fine!" You said, finally giving up.

You two started boiling the pasta and preparing the sauce, while waiting for the pasta you to started dancing to Uptown Funk by Bruno Mars.

{After all the cooking}

"Success!" Anne screamed.

"Shut up, and eat," You order.

"Jeez, calm down Hitler," She joked.

You two started eating, until you remembered about Anne's neigbour. You took out your phone, and looked for a picture of Dan. You then showed Anne.

"Is this what your neighbour looks like?" You showed Anne the picture.

"Yep," She answered.


"Woah! Calm your tits, and yes, I am aware that my neighbour is Dan Howell," Anne confessed.

"Why didn't you tell me?!"

"I didn't tell you, because he already knew I was a fan, an-"

"Wait, wait, wait, how the hell did he know you were a fan?" You asked

"Because, coincidentally, I was wearing a Dan and Phil shirt. Anyways, they asked me to not give away their address. I kinda did give away their address, because I'm telling you this," She explained.

"Okay... one question though; did you ever spend time with Dan and/or Phil?" You asked.

"Maybe... end of conversation," She teased

After your conversation with Anne, you went to your bedroom and Anne went to the spare room you had, where she usually sleeps.

Word count: 573

Whew! Another (crap) chapter done. So, we had some blackholes and revelations (if you get that, then we shall be friends).

See you in the next chapter! :D

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