Aurora had been cleaning the small cottage in Godric's Hollow since she had heard the news. Her son, Harry Potter, was coming to stay with her. The minister of magic had demanded that Harry Potter live with a capable wizard when he found of that the Azkaban escapee, Sirius Black, was after him. Aurora, of course, knew that her husband would never lay a finger on their only son. Dumbledore was able to eventually compromise with fudge by sending Harry to Aurora's. The minister was hesitant at first, as he was afraid she was in correspondence with her husband. A little vertiaserum cleared up any issues as Sirius had not contacted her, well except for one letter. One letter telling her that he couldn't contact her because it was dangerous for her. She of course understood, and now she was going to have a thirteen yearold to keep her mind off things. She herself was supposed to fetch Harry, but as she tried to remind Dumbledore, Harry didn't know that he was related to her. Petunia would surely make a scene if she were to arrive there unannounced. Dumbledore however had spoken the words that made her both excited and nervous, "Maybe its time he knew." Since then Aurora had been furiously cleaning her small house just to have something to do. Harry's room was already set up. It had been set up since the day she found out she was pregnant. She had changed the room slightly as Harry got older, but it had mostly stayed the same. Aurora was picking Harry up tomorrow, July 30. It was the day before his birthday. Aurora continued to clean the already cleaned house before going to bed with one person on her mind, Harry. She wasted no time getting ready in the morning putting on ~ . She dressed up just a litle bit considering this was the first time she had seen her twin since their mother's funeral. She carried a pair of converse to change into though. She was going to be taking her muggle car to pick up her son/nephew. She figured Petunia might be a little more comfortable if she arrived in a muggle way. Dumbledore had promised that Harry knew he was going to be picked up though didn't know who. This made Aurora feel somewhat more nerveous, but she tried not to dwell on her nerves as she made her way to her only living sister's house. She couldn't help but smile as she pulled into the parking lot of the address Dumbledore had given her. Her sister was such a muggle. She quickly parked the car and slowly made her way to the front door. She knocked sharply twice and stood there subconciously messing with her hair that she had decided to leave down and curly. "Diddykins can you please get the door?" she heard a voice that was unmistakeingly Petunia's. "Mum! Make Harry do it!" an obnoxious voice that could only belong to who Aurora assumed was her nephew. "I've got it!" Harry told her before she could yell at him. Aurora could hear his footsteps echoing and soon the door opened to his tired face. He smiled excitedly when he realized who was at the door. "Aurora!" He exclaimed inviting her inside. "Hi harry I came to pick you up," She kept her voice down hoping not to draw her sister's attention. Sadly it was unavoidable when a fat little boy that was obviously her nephew wandered to the entranceway and asked loudly," Who are you?" Petunia and her husband Vernon, who Aurora had met once before, dropped what they were doing and came to investigate. "What are you doing here?" Her sister asked keeping her voice steely calm. Aurora was an Evans herself and she could tell that her sister was about to loose her temper. "I am here to pick up Harry. He is to stay with me for the rest of the summer." Aurora replied leaving no room for complaint. Her sister's husband obviously didn't get the memo and turned to yell at Harry, "You didn't tell us she would be the one picking you up!" The two thirteen yearolds were greatly confused as to what the problem was. "She is only Aurora. She is the counselor at my school." Aurora mentally facepalmed, wrong thing to say. " So you're the counselor at that school now? Do you help the little freaks with their freakish problems?" Petunia was aiming to hurt, and she succeeded. "Petunia must we quarrel like this? I have missed you dearly, and I was hoping that we wouldn't fight!" Aurora's voice was barely above a whisper. Her words however seemed to make Petunia more angry, "Well I had no clue you missed me! It wasn't like you bothered to call! The last time you spoke to me was at Mum's funeral! What was that 11 years ago?" Aurora looked down guilty. It had hurt her not to speak to her twin sister, but Dumbledore had forbbidden it. "I'm sorry Petunia. I am so sorry." She struggled to keep the tears from running down her face. She was startled when her sister leaned forward and hugged her. "It is nice to see you Aurora," She spoke her voice slightly muffled by the hug. "It's nice to see you too!" Aurora replied happy the fighting was over. The boys were still very confused at the exchange. "I have really got to go though, let Harry settle in. Why don't you all come over for dinner tommorrow? We can celebrate Harry's brithday!" Aurora smiled slightly at Harry as she said this. Petunia seemed happy to be able to catch up with her sister, "Tommorrow it is!" Aurora quickly wrote down her address on a slip of paper before leading Harry out to the car. The two didn't speak as they loaded his trunk in the backseat. They didn't speak the whole ride to Godric's Hollow. Harry didn't utter a word until he saw the sign announcing their arrival in the small village. "Godric's Hollow. This is where my mom and dad lived." He wasn't talking to anyone in particular. "I can take you to your old house tomorrow if you wish," Aurora's voice was quiet. He nodded, "I would like that." They fell back into a silence until she parked the car in front of her small cottage. "Here we are!" she announced hopping out of the vehicle and grabbing Harry's trunk. She lead him into the small house and gave him a quick tour. "Here is your room," She said opening the door to his small bedroom. She bit her lip nerveously hoping he would like it. Harry turned to her with a smile on his face, "I love it!" Aurora smiled, "Well I will leave you to get settled in. You may come into the living room whenever." When Harry finally wandered back into the living room Aurora was looking at a photo album. Harry eyed the album curiously but he didn't comment as he sat in the chair across from the woman. Aurora looked up hearing the movement, and shut the photo album quickly. Harry just glimpsed the photo she was looking at. He was sure he had seen Aurora with a red-head. He shook his head to clear his thoughts and looked up at Aurora before speaking, " Why did you speak to Petunia as if you knew her?" Aurora froze she had been expecting him to ask, but not this soon. She thought for a moment before speaking, " Petunia and I go way back." She shook her head smiling slightly her and Petunia did go way back to the womb. Aurora knew Harry was a smart boy, so it was no surprise when he asked, " Are you... Are you and Petunia sister's? Does that mean your my aunt?" Aurora nodded slowly, "I would've told you sooner, but Dumbledore forbade it."
Hogwarts School Consuelor
FanfictionAurora has been through a great deal of pain in her life. Join her in this story as she secretly watches over her son. Watch as she struggles to keep the darkness of her past a secret, and all the while stay mentally stable. SECOND BOOK TO JUST HIS...