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With the twins fed and content, Everett and Iris settled them into their bassinet, grabbed the diaper bag, and set out for town. They stopped at Fuller's Hardware first and arranged for several crates and trunks to be delivered to the house within the next two hours.

"You're not moving now that you've remarried, are you, Everett?" Luther Fuller asked, taking payment for the storage items. He scribbled on a pad of paper, then tucked the pencil back behind his right ear, making his gray hair poke out at an odd angle. "Sure would hate to see—"

"No," Everett quietly interrupted, attempting to smile. He kissed Stephen's head and adjusted his hold so the baby couldn't reach for a canister filled with carpenter's pencils. "Just packing up some things for safekeeping."

"Good to hear—you'd be missed 'round these parts, that's for certain." Luther waved over his stocky teenage son carrying a barrel toward the door, calling out, "LESLIE."

"Yeah, Dad?" Leslie replied, glancing at Luther but continuing forward without slowing down.

"When you've finished with that, Mr. Monterose needs crates and trunks delivered this afternoon," he said, holding up the slip of paper he'd scribbled on and then setting it on the counter. "Take Calvin with you."

Leslie nodded. "All right."

"No later than 1:30."

"Yes, sir."

Luther looked at Everett. "Anything else I can help you with? We're having a special on our gardening section—plants, tools—everything is fifty percent off today... looks like the new wife's taken an interest in something over there."

Everett's gut twisted with a peculiar blend of excitement and remorse at the phrase 'new wife.' Trying to ignore the unsettling sensation, he turned and scanned the aisles until he found Iris outside in the garden section. "I'll go let her know about the special... thanks, Luther—"

"My pleasure," he murmured, nodding. "Let me know if you find anything you like. We can deliver it along with the rest of your order."

"Will do, appreciate it," Everett said before walking outside to Iris.

She glanced at him and smiled. He couldn't help but appreciate how her blue gown—his favorite of the three she'd had to choose from that morning—transformed her eyes into pools of liquid sapphires. Cuddling Bailey to her shoulder, Iris raked her gaze over him in a bold caress that made Everett's heart give a funny kick against his ribs. She pointed to the flowers on the table, saying, "Look, they have peonies—and they're the perfect color too."

"You want to get a few and plant 'em out front?"

Her eyes widened and sparkled with delight. "You wouldn't mind?"

Everett chuckled. "Not at all—especially if they make you this happy."

"You're a charmer, husband," she purred before surprising him by stealing a quick kiss. "Thank you."

"Happy to oblige... wife," he whispered, struggling to set the last word free of his tongue and hoping she didn't notice. Settling a hand at her waist, he asked, "Anything else catch your fancy? Luther said everything in the garden section is on sale."

Iris pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes, turning this way and that to peruse the array of flowers before looking at him. "I'd like to plant something for Elyria, too, if that's all right with you."

Everett's throat constricted, and tears stung his eyes. He nodded, unable to speak.

Iris kissed his cheek and wiped away a stray tear spilling free of his lashes. "Did she have a favorite?"

Into the Sunshine: Of Love and Loss Series Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now