Chapter 2

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Me, Snow and Monti were grazing not too far from the herd, they were separated from us by a tree-line, but Thowra wasn't with them so it was safe for the us colts to wander a bit closer than usual.

I didn't know why Snow had lead us here, it might've just been because the grass was fresher and juicier this time of year here. 

I eyed the herd warily however, a bay mare I recognised as my mother seemed plumper, obviously pregnant with another foal.

Is she going to abandoned that foal too? I thought bitterly.

The herd was quite big, young fillies and colts chased each other around but always seemed to return to their parents.

A young filly caught my eye, she looked about the same age as me, 1 or 2 years old, she was a dark grey colour with high socks on all of her legs, a star marking on her forehead and a silver mane and tail.

I huffed knowing I probably wouldn't even get the chance to approach her, she would most likely join Snows herd if she ever left Thowra's herd. 

I decided not to think too much about it and continued grazing.

A few moments passed and I saw Snow had turned to make a beeline for the herd. 

That was a terrible idea.

Thowra would not appreciate Snow approaching his herd, anytime Thowra could return and chase us off. Also, mares aren't very kind to approaching stallions or colts for that matter.

"Snow, what are you doing?" I look up and flatten my ears against my head.

"I'm going to see if I can convince any other colts to join us," Snow whinnied quietly back.

I realised that's why he had decided to graze so close to the herd.

"But-" I huffed and pawed the ground, I reached my head forward stretching out my neck and bit his tail. 

"Ginger, stop your childish games," Snow grunted, his ears flattened and his tail flicked angrily so I knew he wasn't having any misbehaviour.

"I'm not playing games," I muttered as I watched him continue moving.

"I'm coming with you," Monti told Snow and gave me a smug smirk as he passed me. 

I frowned but followed the two horses without saying anything. Monti obviously thought he had become Snows favourite over me. I didn't think that was possible. 

I saw a bay colt and a liver chestnut colt were standing by the tree-line watching anxiously as we approached, they were obviously the age of leaving the herd, they were shorter than me or Snow or Monti and their manes weren't nearly as long as well as their legs were still spindly. 

As we approached the tree-line I could see a few mares and fillies had turned to watch but they seemed to know what was happening and felt no need to stop it.

"Greetings," Snow nickered kindly. "I'm Snow and this is Ginger and Monti."

"Hello there," the bay colt lifted his head as high as he could trying to seem more mature. "I'm Copper and this is Bucky."

"Great to meet ya," Monti nickered. 

I watched as Snow convinced the two colts to join our little herd. Bucky didn't talk much which was understandable. I guess it was a bit strange to see three 3-year old outcasts asking you to join their herd.

Snow then lead the way away from the herd, the two colts following behind him and me and Monti bring up the rear.


"Me and Snow are going for a race up the ridge," Monti told everyone looking very proud as if today was the day he was going to beat Snow.

"Ok then," I snort amused as I add, "can't wait to see you lose."

Monti huffed and pawed the ground, "you don't know that."

I chuckle amused. He was definitely going to lose. 

"Snow really takes after Thowra, doesn't he?" Copper remarks in awe as the two horses race away Snow already making so much speed.

"He does," I nod. "But that will only make him a bigger target for man."

"But I haven't seen man around these parts," Copper looks a bit more worried. 

"Brumby hunting season hasn't started yet," I remind the colt. The thought of it was enough to chill me to my bones. I knew I was lucky enough to survive a year without the protection of a herd.

"I know Snow won't get caught though," Copper exclaims excitedly. "He's too fast for silly brumby hunters."

I nod, that was true. To say I was worried for him would be a lie, I was more worried for myself.

"I'll outsmart them if they even try to come near me," Copper said bucking at the air. 

"You can't outsmart them silly," Bucky spoke up. Copper and I were both surprised but didn't show it. "Humans are smarter than we give them credit for, don't underestimate them."

"Bucky's right," I nod to Copper.

Bucky rarely spoke but when he did he always said the smartest and wisest things. He really seemed to think before he spoke.

"Just be careful," I look down. What if I get caught this season?  

"What do humans do with horses once they catch a horse?" Copper asks tilting his ask.

I didn't know the answer to that, I opened my mouth to reply but nothing came out. I was stumped.

"We could go down and see," Bucky pointed out, his voice curious as if he had wanted to see for a while.

"That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard you say," I huffed at him. Even Monti and Copper would agree that was a terrible idea.

When Bucky heard me say this he lowered his head in what looked like shame. 

My eyes softened and I pressed my nose to his gently. "You'll see plenty of humans in your time."

He said nothing but he looked up when Snow and Monti came thundering back to the group. 



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