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"Has Sting said anything about Y/n?" Lucy whispered Natsu.

"He thinks she's nice. Other than that, nothing." Natsu answered her, being careful not to raise his voice. Sting and his best friend Rogue were walking just behind them.

"Man, I'm beat. Coach is really working us hard." Sting huffed, resting his arm on Rogue's shoulder. "Yo, Natsu, you heading home?"

"Nah, I'm heading over to Lucy's."

"You guys wanna get food or something?" Sting asked.

"Sure, I could eat." Lucy answered, as she pushed open the gymnasium door, and walked through to the locker room. Everyone had put away their stuff and then met back up in the middle of the gym, and walked through the school to get out through the front door. However, at some point, someone had broke off from the group.

You heard foot steps coming from behind you, and when you turned around, you saw Sting. Your eyes widened in shock as you dropped the pencil you were sketching with. Serious dejá vu.

"I thought that was you." He chuckled a bit. "You haven't left yet?"

"I uhm— no, I was uh— waiting for Lucy— I figured that I would um— ya know, work on the mural— but I— uhm... yeah."

Sting laughed a bit and crossed his arms. "You're really focused on it, aren't you? Did you at least remember to eat this time?"

"Uhm... no."

"Well, come on. We all just got out of practice and we're starving. So we're all getting some food."


"Yeah, your sister, Natsu, Rogue... probably Gajeel too if he's still here."

"Gajeel's scary."

"Haha, I always thought that too. But for some reason Rogue looks up to the guy. You've met Rogue, haven't you?"

"I don't—"

"Sting, where'd you—" Natsu peaked his head around the corner, and then grinned when he saw the two of you. "Oh hey Y/n! I didn't know you were still here!"

"Yeah, I'm still here."

"You didn't walk back with anyone?" Natsu asked and he walked closer to the two of you.

"No. You, Lucy and Lisanna had practice so... options were limited." You tried laughing a bit, but it truly sounded pathetic coming out of your mouth. "But I needed to work in the mural anyways, so it worked out."

"Well, we're all going to go eat, so let's go."

"Alright." You sighed, but you were kind of happy that they were including you. Not that they never did, they usually always included you. Today was just... a bad day, for no particular reason.

You gathered all of your stuff and shoved it into your bag. When you zipped it and started to get off the floor, you noticed a hand in front of your face. You followed it, and it was Sting offering his hand to you. You felt like an idiot just staring at him. To make yourself look like less of an idiot, you hurried and took his hand. He helped you up from the floor, and let go of your hand shortly after.

You, Sting and Natsu started to walk down the hallway to catch up with everyone else. You were in between the two, playing with your fingers awkwardly. No one was saying a thing, which wasn't unusual for you, but very out of character for Natsu.

"Y/n, how's the mural coming along?" Natsu asked you to break the silence.

"Well, I thought I knew what I was going to do but... now I'm not so sure."

"What!? What do you mean!? You're usually so on top of everything!" Natsu shouted in your ear. You moved away from him slightly, and ended up bumping into Sting gently. You were embarrassed, but didn't say anything about it.

"Come on man, take a chill pill." Sting groaned, scolding Natsu.

"You can always paint my face! Or maybe you could paint Sting's on the mural!" Natsu laughed.

"W-What!? No, I couldn't do that!!"

Natsu started laughing louder, then started to walk in front of you and Sting, but wouldn't stop saying small little quips that could have been aimed at you liking Sting.

"Natsu if you don't shut up, I'll tape your mouth shut!" You shouted at him.

"Oh yeah?! And where are ya gonna get the tape, huh?! All the classrooms are locked!"

"It's almost like you forget that I'm basically a walking craft cart." You grinned evilly, already pulling out a roll of tape from your backpack. Natsu's eyes widened as he started to run away from you. You dropped your bag, and started to run after him. You weren't as fast as Natsu, but you were fast enough to keep up with him. The track coach even tried to recruit you a few times, to which you declined. You hated running, you just happened to be decent at it if you really tried. But you stopped trying about sophomore year.

"Help! Lucy! She's gonna kill me!" Natsu screamed through the hallways.

"Stop running, Natsu!" You yelled at him, but he managed to get to Lucy before you could catch him.

"What is going on!?" Lucy yelled as Natsu hid behind her. Rogue stood next to her, a look of confusion plastered on his face.

"He won't shut his mouth!" You pointed at him.

"She was gonna tape my mouth shut!" Natsu accused you.

"Both of you are acting like children." Lucy crossed her arms. You sighed, hating that Lucy was right. Once Natsu saw the look of defeat on your face, he started to laugh again.

"Whatever, Natsu." You waved him off. "I'll be back, I have to go get my stuff. I left it behind."

"Oh, there's no need." You heard a voice behind you. You turned your head around and saw Sting carrying your bag. Your face immediately got red as you started to freak out. You hoped and prayed he didn't snoop. Not that he would, but if he did...

You snatched your bag away from him and shoved the roll of tape back to where it belonged. The entire time, Sting wore a goofy grin, something that you never really saw him wear. But maybe that's who he was, someone who was goofy and caring. When you first saw him, he seemed liked your standard 'bad boy' type. He never wore his uniform correctly, he was a star athlete, and got into many fights. Maybe he's changed since then, or maybe not at all, and this was the real him now that you're getting to know him.

"Rogue, do you know Y/n?" Sting broke you from your thoughts, and tried to introduce the both of you.

"Yes, Y/n Heartfilia." Rogue said, his face expressionless and voice monotone.

"Wait, you know who I am?" You asked, pointing to yourself, somewhat surprised.

"Yes..? You're surprised by that?"

"Well, yeah, because we've never talked before."

"Sure, but we've been in the same class before."

"We have!?"

"Yes." He said with a small chuckle. "Art class my second year. So, it must have been your first year."

"I'm... so sorry. I didn't even realize..."

"It's alright, you were busy doing club stuff most of the time."

"And I doubt Rogue really spoke up all that much. If you couldn't tell, he's kinda quiet and emo." Sting chuckled a bit. Rogue just rolled his eyes, and Natsu started to get impatient. He urged everyone out the front doors so everyone could get some food together.

The Muse•{Sting x Reader high school AU}Where stories live. Discover now