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Lisanna had forced you to eat the protein bar Sting gave you. He was right, it was gross. But it was something to eat. You still made it a point to stop by Lucy's locker to see if you could find something, but all you found were notebooks on top of notebooks.

So unfortunate.

"I could see if Big Brother Elf has anything." Lisanna said to you.

"No, it's fine. I'll be okay."

"Are you sure? I don't need you passing out on me." Lisanna crossed her arms. "It's really no problem. And he'd be happy to help you out."

"I could just go see Natsu, he always has food on him."

"If he didn't eat it already." Lisanna sighed. "He could eat double his weight and not gain anything! It makes me so mad!"

You chuckled a bit as you closed Lucy's locker and sighed. You were hoping to make it through the rest of the day with just the protein bar in your system. And maybe some water.

"I wonder if Natsu said something to Sting." Lisanna pointed out as you both started to walk away from the lockers. "I mean, he's never talked to you before, right?"

"No, and I don't even want to think about that." You whined, burying your face in your hands. "It's embarrassing. And the betrayal!"


"I told Lucy not to tell anyone, and she tells her boyfriend of all people!? The one who's actually friends with him!?"

"It could be worse. Lucy is friends with Yukino too, she could have told her."

"Oh god..."

"See? Could be worse." Lisanna shrugged.

You whined a bit as Lisanna rubbed your back in an attempt to comfort you. Eventually the two of you ran into Elfman, where Lisanna managed to steal some snacks for you. You scarfed them down before class started, and started to finally feel a bit better.

It was a habit of yours, and definitely not a good one. You would be so preoccupied with your art that you would forget to eat sometimes. And by the time you remembered, your blood sugar would already be so low that you would be shaking. A very bad habit indeed.


Class was boring as usual, but the end of the day was your favorite, because that's when art class was. You were the president of the club, so when you had class it was mainly filled with club duties, such as inventory, planning events, things like that. You didn't really mind it, you enjoyed being so active in the club. And the teacher, Reedus Jonah, had a particular soft spot for you. He saw himself in you, but you weren't sure if that was a good thing or not. Based on what he told you, he was quiet and awkward when it came to anything social. But if art was involved, he would always come out on top.

You guessed it wasn't too far off. You wouldn't consider yourself anti-social, but you definitely were not a social butterfly like your older sister Lucy, her boyfriend Natsu, or your best friend Lisanna. You kept to yourself, and that was okay. You have your close friends and that's all you needed. Besides, art took up all your time, so you didn't really have time for any other clubs or activities like they did.

For example, Lucy and her friends were apart of the cheerleading team. Lucy was also apart of Astronomy and Astrology club with Yukino, and Writing club with her best friend Levy.

Natsu was apart of almost every sports team and surprisingly, the culinary club. Their friend Erza was apart of cheerleading, theater, and fencing with another girl from another class, Kagura.

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