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"Hey Luce... do you know anything about Natsu's friend? Sting?"

"Not really." She replied, applying some makeup in the mirror.

"Oh, alright." You sighed.

"Why?" She looked at you strangely in the mirror, and then let out a loud gasp. "You like Sting!"

"I have for a while now." You admitted.

"Since when!? And why haven't you told me!?"

"Honestly, probably since my first year. And I never told you because... I don't know, I thought it would pass and it was just a silly crush."

"You've liked him for three years!? Y/n, I'm your sister! How could you not tell me this!?"

"Like I said, I thought it was just a silly crush..."

"Have you ever talked to him? Does he even know you exist?"

"No, I've never talked to him. I don't think he even knows who I am. I mean, he's one of the school's best athletes and I'm—"

"You better not say anything bad about my sister." Lucy narrowed her eyes at you, and then smiled sweetly. "Y/n, you're great. Anyone would be lucky to have you. I know I'm lucky to have you as a sister."

"You're my sister, you have to say that." You laughed a bit.

"So, what do you want to do about it? Are you going to talk to him?"

"Probably not." You sighed. "I'm not sure how to even start."

"I can talk to Natsu for you. They're pretty close."

"No!" You shouted, a bit louder than you had intended. "I mean, it's just... I don't want him to know."

"Why not?"

"It's embarrassing."

"It's not that embarrassing, Y/n."

"There are hundreds of girls who like him, Lucy! You think I can compete with them?"

"Absolutely I do!"

"You have to say that."

"But I'm not just saying that. Listen, just let me talk to Natsu and—"

"No, I don't want anyone knowing. Please, Lucy?"

"Alright, fine. But if you want anything to happen, you have to act on it."

"I know, I'm just hoping it's a silly little crush."

"Y/n. You've liked him for three years. I don't think it's a 'silly little crush' anymore." Lucy laughed, patting the top of your head. "Now get ready, Natsu is picking us up soon."

You sighed and went to go get ready. You changed into your uniform and packed all of the things you needed for the day, such as textbooks and folders and your homework. In a separate bag, you brought most of your art supplies. You didn't like using the school's because they were cheap. Not that it was a bad thing, you just thought it really hindered your own talent. And since you're the youngest daughter of the Heartfilia family, you could get anything you wanted with a little guilt trip to your father.

"Y/n! Natsu's here!" Lucy had called for you. "Hurry! Can't keep him waiting!"

"Coming!" You hurried down the stairs and outside, but not before you saw the look on your father's face. Lucy and Natsu had been dating for a little over a year, and your father was convinced it wouldn't even have lasted a month. But he was obviously wrong. He didn't think Natsu was good for Lucy. And honestly, he didn't think anyone would be good enough for either of you.

But you ignored it. Because the only person who knows what's best for Lucy is Lucy. And the only person who knew what was best for you was you. And as long as you felt content with your life, nothing else mattered.

"Heya! Morning, Y/n!" Natsu greeted you as you got into the back seat of his car. Lucy as always got into the front seat.

"Good morning." You greeted back.

Luckily the school wasn't too far away from your home, so Natsu wouldn't get too motion sick. But before he started to drive off, he turned the music as loud as it would go just to spite your father. You thought it was funny.

Despite what your father thought, you thought Natsu was a good guy. A bit childish, but a good guy. Your best friend since freshman year, Lisanna, even had a crush on him at some point. But that faded rather quickly as she started to like an upperclassman. He was a junior when she was a freshman. He has graduated the year prior, but they still keep in contact as friends (for now). His name was Bickslow, and him and his friends Laxus, Freed, and Evergreen used to run the Fairy Tail homeroom.

Now it was Natsu, Lucy, Erza, Gray, and Wendy. Wendy was a freshman, and became rather popular. She was the little sister of the class. Of course everyone was friends with everyone, but to you...

You felt like you were just there. You didn't add or take away anything from the Fairy Tail room. And no one really talked to you anyways besides Lisanna and her brother, Elfman. Their older sister MiraJane has already graduated and was off living her best life (most likely with Laxus). But she comes back to visit most of the time to help out Professor Makarov.

The point was, you were just kinda there. Just another person up against the wall.

The only thing you did at the school was everything art related. You painted the murals, you did all of the banners for the big games, you made posters, signs, anything you can think of and name, you did it. But did anyone know it was you?

No, not really. Other than your closest friends in Fairy Tail.

When you arrived to the school, you walked behind Lucy and Natsu. He had his arm around her shoulders and met up with other people from the Fairy Tail class. As for you, you headed down the hallway which used to have the enormous mural down the wall that you painted last year. Just last week the art teacher painted it all white, giving you a new canvas to work with this year. You already had some ideas going through your head. And because the Art teacher liked you so much, it was all yours to do.

"What ideas are flowing in that brain of yours?" You heard a cheerful voice behind you, coming from no one else other than Lisanna.

"A lot. So many."

"You should do a tribute to Fairy Tail." She smiled. "We're the best class after all."

"I don't think the others would like that very much. But... I like what you're thinking. A tribute to all the classes."

"At least the major ones. Like, the top six. You could do the ones who scored the best in grades and athletics last year!"

"I could... but why would I paint something about last year for this year?"

"Hm... I suppose that makes sense. Either way, I'm sure you'll come up with something great!" She smiled at you. "I'm going to head to class, want to join?"

"Yeah, I might as well." You shrugged, and started to walk with her back up the hallway and to the Fairy Tail classroom. On the way there, you saw Sting walking with his group; Rogue, Rufus, Orga and Yukino. As you passed them, you tried your best to keep your eyes off of Sting. You didn't try hard enough, because Lisanna had caught you staring at him. But you couldn't help but notice he didn't even look at you. He kept his head straight, looking at whatever was in front of him.

"You still like him?" Lisanna asked when you were quite a distance away from them. You just simply nodded, opening the door to the Fairy Tail classroom. As always, it was complete and utter chaos.

Cheers to yet another average school year.

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