Chapter 4: Wedding at the Thompson

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Dear Diary,

Sorry I didn't update you for so long. The last few weeks have been hectic. What can I say? It's been a chaotic ride.

Last week was particularly crazy. Amanda confronted me in the school hallway, and Emilia stepped in, deflecting the tension.

Then, Andrea and I almost had a moment, but Amanda interrupted again. I feel like I'm stuck in a never-ending loop.

Despite the drama, life's been good. Emilia's been an amazing friend, always there to lend a listening ear. Tom's still Tom, looking out for me like a guardian angel.

Andrea and I... well, we never got our moment. It's like the universe keeps pushing us apart. Maybe it's fate's way of saying we're not meant to be.

But today's not about Andrea or  me. It's about Dad and Isabel's love story. It's Isabel and Dad's wedding. I'm happy for them, truly. Mom refused to come, and I can't blame her. The wound's still fresh. I understand.
As I finish writing, Emilia bursts into my room. "Hey, twin! You ready for the wedding?" Emilia asks, her eyes sparkling. I grin.

"Almost. Just need to get into my bridesmaid dress." Emilia helps me into the elegant gown."You look stunning," Emilia says. "Thanks. You do too." Tom knocks on the door.

"Time to go, ladies!" We make our way to the wedding venue , where the wedding will take place..Dad and Isabel exchange vows, their love radiating through the room.

As they seal their union with a kiss, I feel a lump form in my throat. Tom hands me a tissue. "Thought you might need this," he whispers. I smile, grateful for my friend.
The reception begins, and Tom drags me onto the dance floor. "Let loose, Elena!" Tom grasped Elena's hand, leading her to the dance floor.

"Time to shake off those tears," Tom said, smiling. Elena laughed, wiping away lingering tears.

As the music began, Tom and Elena swayed to the rhythm. "You look stunning today," Tom said, spinning her around. Elena blushed.

"Thanks, Tom. You don't look so bad yourself." Tom chuckled. "I try." Andrea appeared at the edge of the dance floor, watching Elena and Tom.

For a moment, their eyes locked. Elena's heart skipped a beat. Tom noticed.."Hey, Andrea!" Tom called out, waving him over..Andrea hesitated before joining them..The music shifted to a slower tempo. Tom released Elena's hand.

"I think someone wants to dance with you," Tom whispered, nodding toward Andrea. Elena's pulse quickened. Andrea stepped forward, his eyes locked on hers. "May I?" Andrea asked, his voice low. Elena nodded, her heart racing.

As Elena and Andrea danced, Tom and Emilia cheered them on from the sidelines..Tom flashed Elena a thumbs-up. "You got this, Elena!" Tom mouthed. Emilia grinned, waving enthusiastically. Elena's nerves dissipated, replaced by joy. Andrea's gentle guidance and Tom's encouragement made her feel carefree.

For the first time in weeks, she let go of worries. The music swirled around her, and she lost herself in the moment..As the song ended, Andrea smiled. "You're an amazing dancer," Andrea said.

Tom and Emilia chimed in, praising Elena's moves. "Totally rocking that dance floor!" Emilia exclaimed.."Star of the show!" Tom added. Elena beamed, feeling like a queen.
The DJ announced the next song, and Emilia grabbed Tom's hand. "Our turn!" Emilia shouted.

Tom laughed, spinning Emilia onto the dance floor. Andrea turned to Elena.."Want to grab some fresh air?" Andrea asked.
Elena nodded, and they slipped outside. The night breeze carried the sweet scent of blooming flowers.

As they strolled through the garden, Elena felt a sense of freedom..Andrea's hand brushed against hers. A spark of electricity. A promise of something more.
Elena watched, mesmerized, as Emilia and Tom danced together. Their chemistry on the dance floor was undeniable.

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