Arc I: Aborigines Adventure

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Arc I: An Aborigines Adventure

"Oi, little buddy," Friend wakes me up from my slumber. "Heh Heh, I never dun see someone sleep as peacefully as you." I rub my eyes and yawn, spreading my wings out as far and wide as I can. "Since it seems we're gonna have to stick together for a while, I feel like I should show you something. My home, my true home. Come on, mate, follow me!" The man takes me on a rather lengthy trip compared to everything else happening here and takes me to a vast sandy wasteland with lots of green stationary lifeforms all around. He eventually takes me to this place full of structures resembling buildings, except they are made of much simpler materials.

"Me..." Friend begins. "Home..."

"Home...?" I ask with much curiosity. This place seems intimate to him in a sense where he feels a sense of comfort and nostalgia emanating from this place. It's a similar feeling I get when I go back to the light dimension, the place where I came from. Although, I don't have to worry, as I'll be returning very soon. However, there is a lot I can do on this little plan in just three years. I can sense God's blessing of family in this place, and in really any place where one was born. To think this is where Friend was born.......

"Oi, Friend!" Friend tells me.


"Yeah, yeah! Follow me!" He beckons me to follow him. I curiously follow him. I'm feeling a lot better now that I'm away from that building with the photo of space. He takes me to a fire much resembling that of a star at the center of this series of structures.

"You..." Friend begins, walking over to me. He touches my heart and points at his, "Understand... Me... Even though I don't know ya that well yet, I get the feelin' that you know what its like to be isolated. I know you don't understand everything I say, but I know you can feel it, mate. Me... Space... Sad..."

"Space... S-Sad...?" I exclaim with much concern. What is going on?

"Me..." Friend begins again. "I... Dread... Lonely..." He hugs himself as if he's trying to shield himself from the whole world. "Isolated..."

"Isolated?" I ask. "You... Space... Sad...?"

"Yeah," Friend confirms. "Not literally space, though. I mean more like... a similar feelin'." This is... astounding... this man, he experienced the same dread I did. He called it 'isolation'.

"Not... Space..." He shakes his head to clarify that he isn't talking about space. "Feel... Space......"

"Feel Space?" I ask. "You Feel Space?"

"Isolation..." He responds again. "I come from... Here... My Dad is Aussie... My Mama is Aboriginese... I... had to go..."

"Go... From Here...? Go Where?"

"..." He pauses and covers his face. "Where... are YOU from...?"


"Yes. Where are you from? Place...? Building...?"

"Where... I... Place... Building...? God..."

"You're from God?" He asks.

I nod my head, "Isolation... Space... Lost..."

"You got lost in space after he sent you to the realm of the living? Sorry, let me simplify that a bit—You Isolation Space?"

"Yes!" I confirm.

"So... Here... You're... Not From... Here...?"




"From Earth? Isolation Earth?"

"No, No, No! Happy Earth! Excited Earth! Satisfied Earth! Lost... So Long... Space..."

"I see... Me... I... We People, Not You... Killed." He motions some kind of thrusting motion. In that moment, I remember the penguin I saw that wasn't breathing anymore. My eyes widen in horror. "We... Tribe... We... Killed... Me... Not Killed... Isolation..."


"Isolation. Me Isolation."

"We... Here... Now... Not Killed... Alive."




"That's the spirit, mate... Friend...!"

I find myself in the most confusing conundrum in my life thus far. How must I ask this question? "Why...? Why Killed? Killed... Sad... Angry... Isolation... Why...? Why?!"

Friend breaks into a state of Sad, "We... We... We Land... They..."

"They? Who?"

Water flows out of his eyes from Sad. I quickly fly over to him and wrap him in my wings.

Friend tries to speak in this state, "They... Tribe... Not We Tribe... Other Tribe..."

"Other Tribe?" I've never wanted to express something more than in this moment. I muster up all my knowledge of his speak thus far and say, "They... People... You... People... People Happy! People Delightful!"

"Delightful?! What is so delightful about people?! Are you mad?! How do you even know that word?!"

"Why Friend Angry?!"

"BECAUSE HOW DOES SOMEONE NOT KNOW WHAT ALL OF THIS IS?! YOU HONESTLY EXPECT ME TO BELIEVE YOU WERE IN SPACE?! ARE YOU INSANE?! YOU'RE AN ANGEL, HOW DID YOU GET LOST IN SPACE?! HOW WOULD YOU KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THIS WORLD?!.................. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry." Friend seems to have calmed down. "This is a touchy subject for me. I'm in no place not to believe you. I'll take your word for it."

"Okay..." I say, embracing him in my wings again. Even more water flows from his eyes, but this time a shred of Happy.

"You..." Friend begins. "You're truly benevolent... It was the fault of my own pessimistic self to think you were not nothing but kind and curious. Please forgive me, I never meant to snap at you."


"Please!" He motions his body in a sad position and motions my body in a position going over him and still being Happy.

"Forgive You." I pat him on the back and wrap him even deeper in my wings. Now all of his eye water is Happy. Suddenly, I feel his soul light up. His soul begins to become restful and relaxed. I do too. "God Forgive You Too." He ends up falling asleep within my wings. I decide to sleep here too, along with the breathtaking and peaceful Australian desert. The difference here is that there is constant sound, never anything resting. That night, I dream of the light dimension again.

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