chapter three: Rowan

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It was late at night, and time itself seemed to have stopped. I couldn't explain it, but I was lost in thought, frozen in the moment. Suddenly, a strange sound echoed around me, startling me. I stood up quickly, and before I could react, someone spoke behind me, saying, "Obdurare" (a spell to harden or freeze an object in place, making it immovable for a certain amount of time. The object becomes solid and unyielding, preventing any movement or manipulation).

Thankfully, I managed to dodge just in time, or I would've been turned into an immobile stone. I ran as fast as I could, away from the intruder, desperately searching for my parents. I rushed to their room and found them still sleeping. I hurried over to them and, trying to catch my breath, shouted, "Dad! There's a strange person in my room!" My scream startled them awake, and my father immediately got up, grabbing a small wooden object-much like Newt Scamander's wand.

He marched towards my room. I didn't go with him, as my mother held me back, instructing me to stay. Before she left to follow my father, she hugged me and kissed my forehead. "Be careful, Wan," she said with a comforting smile before heading out.

Even from a distance, I heard their voices chanting, "Cineris!" (a spell to disintegrate an object, reducing it to ashes. The object rapidly burns or crumbles, leaving behind only a pile of fine dust or ash). I woke up with a start. It was just a dream, I realized, relieved.

"Oh, you're awake!" Kian's voice pulled me back to reality.

"Where are the others?" I asked, still slightly disoriented.

"Elias and Alden went with Orion and Dorian to buy extra food for later before we leave," he replied. "What about Cassian?" I inquired.

"He's in the kitchen," Kian said. "Alright, I'll go downstairs. I'll be back soon," I told him.

As I descended, I saw Cassian painting. "Ah, a wizard who paints, huh?" I teased him lightly.

"It's weird, right? But I like it. I don't even fully understand why I like to paint, but every time I do, it feels like I'm with my mother again. She's the one who taught me how to draw. But... she's gone now," he said, his voice heavy with sadness.

"I'm sorry," I replied softly, my voice full of sympathy.

"It's okay," he smiled at me kindly, handing me a plate of cookies and a cup of hot chocolate. "Here, eat."


"Who are they?" Elias shouted while running, his voice directed toward Dorian.

"I don't know!" Dorian replied, still running as fast as he could. Orion quickly muttered, "Vanishare!" (a spell to make anything they are wearing or holding invisible to the naked eye for a period of time).

"That's amazing!" Alden exclaimed.

"Keep running!" Orion urged, even though Alden pointed out, "But they can't see us now."

"We have a problem," Orion said, his voice suddenly tense.

"What problem?" Elias, Dorian, and Alden stopped in their tracks, staring at Orion expectantly.

"Why didn't you mention this earlier? What's the issue? Just say it already!" Dorian demanded impatiently.

"Well... the spell only lasts for a short time," Orion finally admitted.

"What?" Alden exclaimed, clearly frustrated by the revelation.

"I have an idea. We can get to the house immediately," Dorian interjected. With a quick motion, he cast the spell, "Locomotia!" (to transport themselves and anyone they are touching to a specific location. The spell bends space, allowing instant travel across long distances).

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