chapter twenty-one: Elias

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    When we entered the room, my siblings were all exhausted from our game of hide-and-seek.

"Good night, Kian," I said, settling into my bed.

Rowan, with a light chuckle, added, "Yes, Kian, it was a fun game earlier. I must admit, Elias is really good at seeking."

"He found me so fast!" Alden exclaimed. "I was hiding in the wardrobe, and I still didn’t stand a chance."

"Alright, time to sleep," I urged. "Don’t worry, we’ll make it back home soon."

Rowan smiled at what Elias had said earlier. "I hope so," Alden muttered quietly.

"I want to go home," Kian whispered, his voice barely audible.

The Grey siblings were a close-knit family from Elyndor, three children born to their parents who met in a quaint bookshop. Their mother worked there, while their father, a frequent visitor, was always purchasing books or scribbling notes in a journal. Years passed, and their parents eventually married. Orion, the firstborn, was a cheerful child, followed by Dorian two years later, much to Orion's delight at having a sibling.

Three years later, they welcomed their youngest brother, Cassian. Orion and Dorian were overjoyed to have another sibling. However, their happiness was cut short when, a few years later, their father perished in battle, leaving their mother to raise them alone. One day, after their father’s death, the family visited his grave deep in the forest for a picnic.

"Mom, where did Father go?" Cassian asked, his innocent eyes filled with curiosity.

"You see, my child," their mother smiled gently, "he’s with the Lord now." She stroked Cassian’s hair lovingly. "Go on, children, play now."

"Yes, Mom!" Orion shouted, taking Cassian’s hand. "Come on, Cassian, let’s play!"

The siblings ran off, playing a game of tag until they grew tired. "Boys, it’s time to go home," their mother called. They gathered their things and returned.

That night, Dorian woke with a start, crying out, "Mom!" Cassian, startled by the sudden shout, slapped Dorian lightly on the shoulder.

"Ouch!" Dorian yelped. "What was that for?"

"Sorry," Cassian mumbled. "But… she’s not here anymore, Dorian. Mother’s been gone a long time now."

"I know," Dorian whispered, his voice heavy with grief.

"What was your dream about?" Orion asked, concern evident in his tone.

"I dreamt we were playing chase… all of us. Mother was there, too."

"And Father?" Cassian inquired.

"We visited his grave with Mom. We had a picnic together."

Cassian sighed, nostalgia creeping into his voice. "I miss those days—when we were young, and there were no worries."

"Let’s go downstairs," Orion suggested.

Meanwhile, in another part of the house, Elias and his brothers were still asleep. Rowan, however, was the first to awaken. He approached Kian, gently nudging him awake.

"Happy birthday, Ki," he said with a grin.

Kian groggily opened his eyes. "Good morning. You remembered my birthday, Wan?"

"Of course! How could I forget?"

Alden, now awake, stood up and rummaged through their belongings. He found a small box and handed it to Kian. "Here, Ki. I got you something."

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