chapter twenty-three: Rowan

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    Are you alright, Kael? Evander asked, concern lacing his voice.
Kaelion nodded weakly, struggling to regain his composure. We need to get out of here, Evan, he replied, his breath still ragged. As if answering their need, the portal opened once more, swirling with light.
What happened to you? Salem demanded as they reappeared on the other side.

Help Prince Kaelion, Evander said, his voice hoarse. But before he could say more, his legs gave way. The immense power he had used earlier had drained him completely, and he collapsed.

Evan! Lucan shouted as he rushed to his side, lifting Evander in his arms. "I'll take him to his room," Lucan said, carrying him away.

Meanwhile, Alden had stepped outside, only to freeze in place. Four men approached the house, their dark figures moving with purpose.
Guys! Alden rushed back inside, his voice filled with urgency.
What’s happening? Elias asked, his brow furrowed.

The Darkness Coven witches—they’re here! Alden said, his voice strained with fear.

Elias' face paled. Salem! Lucan! he shouted, his voice echoing through the house.

They rushed over immediately. What’s going on? Salem asked.
The front door creaked open of its own accord, and the group turned to face what awaited them outside. The air seemed to grow heavier, as if it were holding its breath.

Is that what you meant, Elias? Dorian asked, stepping out from the shadows, his eyes narrowing as he saw the figures outside. Oh my god... he whispered.

The school in the distance had been enveloped in a thick darkness. Inside, the four witches of the Darkness Coven were chanting in unison, their voices weaving a sinister spell in Italian.

As they chanted, Peter rushed forward to stop them, but the moment he made contact with the barrier they had conjured, he was thrown back violently, hitting the ground hard and losing consciousness.

The Grey siblings, undeterred by Peter's fall, began casting their own spell to stop the portal from fully opening. They knew it led to Hell, a gateway to something far more dangerous than anyone could imagine.

Fear gripped the group, their hearts racing as they felt the dark energy swirling around them.

Suddenly, the door to the house flew open, and a woman stepped inside. Her hands glowed with a bright, pulsating green light. Her presence was commanding, and the very air around her seemed to vibrate with power.

Salem’s eyes widened in recognition. "Ursula…" he whispered, barely able to speak.

The Green Witch raised her hands, pouring all her magic into the fight. Her energy clashed against the witches of the Darkness Coven, and in one fierce blow, she struck down one of them.

The witch fell to the ground, lifeless, while the remaining three retreated, vanishing into the shadows as quickly as they had come.

The room returned to normal, the oppressive atmosphere lifting as sunlight streamed in through the windows. The threat was gone, for now.

Ursula pulled back her hood, revealing her face. "It’s me," she said, her voice calm yet commanding. Evander and Lucan stared in shock.
A moment later, they rushed towards her.

"Aunt!" Lucan exclaimed, his voice filled with surprise and relief.
I’ve missed you, Lu, Ursula said with a soft smile, embracing him warmly.
Evander, still recovering, managed a grin.  You’ve grown so much, Evan, Ursula said, studying him. "The last time I saw you, you were just five years old.

I’m eighteen now, Evander replied, hugging her tightly.

And Salem, Ursula said, turning to him, her eyes twinkling with fondness. I’ve missed your eating a bread every time I visited your house.

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