Lena Schneider (human)

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I walk down to the main floor because Alpha wants to talk to me. A lot of the people wave hello to me and I wave back with a grin. I love this place everyone is so friendly. I see the Beta and start to head a different direction.

"Lena," she calls out to me. I stop in my tracks and she walks over to me.

"Yes ma'am," I whisper. She snarls whole eyeing me.

"Where is your waste of space mate at?"

"Out doing his duty I believe. Why? Is he needed?" I ask. Beta stares at me before turning away briskly. I watch her practically run in the direction of her of her office in confusion. When she's out of sight I continue on my way to Alpha's office. His oak door is slightly open and I knock while poking my head through.

"Come in Lena," he calls out without looking up from a newspaper. I shut the doorthen sit in a leather seat. It groans under me and I bite my lip. "So are you ready?" Immediately I nod Nevada I am. I'm ready to actually be a part of something; to belong to a family.

"Yes sir." He laughs and stands up. I watch him walk around the room to a printer. Alpha lifts a paper up and signs it.

"I have your duty for you. You start tomorrow. Is that alright?" he asks like I have a choice. Laughing I nod and take the paper from his extended hand. I look it over and see I'm helping with the children.

"I'm an assistant teacher? Why?"

"You're already helping out with the cubs so I made it your official duty add a member of the pack. You could've got kitchen duty. I know you can't cook though, that's why you aren't in that department." I giggle and stand up to shake the alphas hand.

"Thank you for everything Alpha." He shakes his head with a smile and I wonder how he hasn't found his mate, the Luna.

"No need to thank me, Lena. Now go on. Your mate will be back by now." I turn to leave, but gave the alpha again.

"Do you know why Beta doesn't like Thrae?" I ask. Alpha just smiles kindly at me.

"It's best of you let him tell you." I sigh because I want to know right now but nod to him before I leave. I shut the door behind me and make my way back to my room quickly. No one really notices me running to the elevator so I can see Thrae faster. He had duty last night and got home late then had it again early this morning. I can't wait to mate with him. I'll be so happy to have him by my side forever. He's perfect. The elevator dings for the doors to open. I run out and quickly open or door. I notice the scars on his back from his attack. I go up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist.

"Lena," he whispers. His fingers tangle with mine and I squeeze him tight.

"I've missed you." I go around to his front and look up at his face.

"I missed you too." He kisses my nose and my face scrunched up. Thrae laughs and picks me up with his strong arms. I giggle and of course someone interrupts by knocking on the door. Thrae sets me down and goes to answer it. I sneak off to the bathroom through to run the bath. As it fills up I pour in bubbles and scented oils. When it's full I undress and climb in it. I hear the door click shut and Thrae pops his head in the bathroom.

"Care to join me?" Thrae smirks and slowly pulls his jeans off. I watch him, biting the issue of my cheek, as the pants hit the floor. I can easily see his package through his briefs. I'm in for it when we mate.

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