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I had woken hours earlier than Cam. He is laying on his stomach facing me. I study his face, memorizing every line and wrinkle and imperfection. We have lived in the woods now for nearly a month. It's been peaceful and quiet. Last week I finally convinced Cam to change me and with the full moon coming the next few days I'm on edge. More so than I was before from my pregnancy. Luckily we have the 'cure' to this madness so I don't actually have to change during my pregnancy, I just get all the side effects. Which right now is a quick temper. The sun is beginning to rise now.

"Lena," Cam whispers. I wait for him to say more but he just rolls over and curls into a ball, kicking the covers off in the process. I smile at my other half and shake my head. I would love to be in a different situation with Cammirin right now. So we don't have all these responsibilities, but that's not what we were given right now. I hear the front door unlock and I get out of bed. One of the guys must be here now. Most likely it's Santo. He has given Gartin the position as Beta so he can be my guard full time. He says he doesn't have anything to lose like Gartin does because he has a family, Santo doesnt. The bedroom door opens and reveals Santo. He smiles and bows.

"My lady, there's a situation." I nod and he leaves the room for me to get ready. I change into a loose black dress and a light sweater over it. I open my door and follow Santo out of the house. He leads me to the "jail house" on our land. I roll my eyes at the name it's been given. Really it is just for the people who are really reckless during the full moon and their changing. Santo motions for me to go into the building and I immediately smell the wet dog smell. My nose crinkles.

"I will never get use to the smell of changing wolves." I mutter, but Santo hears me because he laughs.

"My lady, he was wondering around the outer perimeters. We caught him and brought him in. It's a mere human but we don't know what to do." Santo explains. I nod and step closer to the cage with a single body in it.

"Get up." The boy gets off the ground and stands in the middle of the cage. I wrinkle my nose is disgust. Then I smell something or rather someone I didn't think posible. "Do you smell that Santo? That musky smell?" I ask. Santo takes a deep breath in and a fee seconds later.

"No my lady. I don't."

"It must be my pregnant nose or maybe it's my hyperactive senses from my new change, but I smell someone who I shouldn't smell. I'm guessing it's you," I point at the boy standing in front of me. "Why do you wreak of Thaton?" I ask him. I take another deep breathe through my nose and my eyes lock with the trespasser.

"What is it, Lena?" Santo asks me bewildered.

"Santo, outside please. I'd like to speak to you privately." I follow my guard outside and he shuts the loud clank-y door behind us.


"He changed the boy. Thaton. Recently too. That's how I still smell his blood on him."

"How? Thaton was locked up for attacking you, then killed. How would he have changed him?" I hear a gun shot and duck down. "It came from inside!" Santo looks in the window and his eyes nearly bug put. "Get behind me Lena. I have to lock the door from the outside."

"What's going on Santo!"

"That boy has a gun. He killed Gavin." Gavin was the jail keeper. Santo secures the door then lifts me up and runs back to my house. He unlocks the door and I let him run upstairs. A few seconds later Cam is running down the stairs.

"You aren't hurt right?" He asks looking me over.

"No I'm fine. The kid has been changed Cam. By Thaton." Cammirin's eyes darken and he runs out of the house. I follow behind and watch the Alpha take care of the situation.

"Let me out!" The boy yells through the thick iron door. I hear his gun hit the metal. My heart is beating erratically in my chest. I watch the men form a circle and plan out what they're going to do. I take a few steps forward to listen.

"We stand on either side of the door. Frank you will be opening  the door. Santo, you and I will wait on the other side. Hopefully he will come out willingly with the gun out first. That way I can grab it and then Santo you can detain him." Cam tells them. His eyes meet mine and I smile reassuringly. The guys get into position and Cam walks over to me.

"Where do you need me, sir," I whisper. Something dark stirs in his eyes when I call him that.

"Hidden. I don't want any harm coming to you, my queen." He kisses my lips and I nod. "Call me sir more often. I like it."

"As you wish, sir." He possessively presses his body to mine and growls. I go to stand around the corner where Cam is standing. I listen sharply to the men as they work. The door opens loudly and I hear the click of the gun. There is some grunting and silence. I peek around the corner and see Santo holding the boy down. Blood is pouring from his nose and he is looking directly at me. The gun is thrown five feet away from the men and I go to pick it up.

"Don't touch it Lena!" Cammirin yells at me. I raise my hands and look at him.

"Why what's wrong?"

"His hands are scared." He explains. "Wolfsbane."

"She has to be dealt with! She must fall!" The boy yells at us while staring pointedly at me. Santo punches him in the face, which knocks him out cold. Why are they wanting me dead?

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