Chapter 2

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Mallyra cast a glance north , towards the forest of the halflings. Quickly, she stuffed her drawing pad into her satchel, smiled up at pippin, and then took a step forward.

"Are you ready for and adventure Master Took?" She asked, turning and looking at him once more.

Pippin gulped at her. "I guess so?’" he answered looking worried. Mallyra gave him a convincing nod, and then began to walk north. Pippin slowly followed at first, then shrugging of his worries, he began to run after her. 

"Where are we going?" he asked inquisitively, looking slightly confused. Mallyra was day dreaming, and was completely oblivious to what he'd just said. Noticing, Pippin poked her in the arm, snatching her back into reality.

"What?" she mumbled, looking round at him and smiling. Pippin looked at her blankly, and then repeated himself.

"Where are we going?" He smiled, looking forward. She thought a bit more, and then pointed towards the looming forest.

"My dad once told me of a silver birch tree, with great branches. It hides a special secret which only great warriors can find." she smiled, her mind wandering to when he had told her, in bed at the age of three.

"And you want to find it?" Pippin added, frowning. Mallyra nodded, a wide smile on her face.

"Yeah, I love the thought of adventure, and I always have. Immature , I know, but I've always loved it, since I was a girl!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands in joy. Pippin gazed across at her, shaking his head with a wide smile on his face.

The forest was an hour’s walk away from Hobbiton, but Mallyra and Pippin talked about the most random stuff to pass the time.

"Well, I spend most days just hanging around with my cousins, usually pranking people.." Pippin explained, jumping over a rabbit hole. Mallyra nodded and then went to speak, but before she could, her foot fell into another hole in the ground, causing her to stumble and fall backwards. Pippin hadn't seen at first, and looked around, confused at the fact she'd just disappeared. But when he noticed her sprawled on the ground, a little breathless, he began to laugh.

"And you say you're not clumsy?" he teased, helping her to her feet. Mallyra began to blush, before brushing the dirt from her knees.

"I'm not clumsy! just... accident prone.." She exclaimed, causing Pippin to flash a sarcastic glance in her direction. 

"Riiiiight..." he chuckled, as they continued on their small adventure. After  half an hour, they stopped for a while near on up-rooted oak tree. Both of them were quite hungry, and although she knew she shouldn't, Mallyra shared the loaf she'd bought between them. She pulled it apart quickly, and handed, the now starving Pippin, half of the bread. Chewing a piece in her mouth, Mallyra began to examine the fallen oak. The trunk was thick and dry, but the most intriguing things, were the claw marks running down the side. Confused, she climbed onto it and sat, quite happily, enjoying the view.

"I wonder what happened to this.." Mallyra said, pondering to herself, "It doesn't storm here does it?" she asked Pippin, but he was too busy peering at her note book that had fallen from her satchel. She raised her eyebrows at him, watching for a while, before jumping down from the log.

"Go ahead!" she smiled, picking it up off the ground and handing it to him. Pippin looked rather embarrassed at first, not knowing that she had seen him. But he took it nervously and began flick through the pages, each filled with small drawings, poems and descriptions.

Mallyra even showed Pippin some of the pictures she had drawn in her larger sketch pad. She had a sketch of what her old village, Michel Delving, looked like and another one of the old waterfall that stood alone at the borders. Each drawing made in pencil, each one different from the last. Every detail picked out and highlighted by small notes at the side. Pippin was fascinated at her talent, and even attempted to draw something himself... but didn't do so well.

"I can’t do anything really" he admitted, shrugging before he laughed. Mallyra folded her arms across her chest, and gave him an unconvinced look.

"You’re good at stealing stuff" she frowned at him, Pippin scratched his head while pulling a face, blushing slightly. They continued to walk a little further, talking more about what Mallyra's old village was like, and even her family life. But there conversations were interrupted, when Pippin saw something glistening n the distance.

Pointing, He began to cover his eyes. "What's that?" he asked, sounding confused. Mallyra shrugged, smirked at him, and then grabbed his hand.

"Lets find out shall we?" she said, before dragging him towards the shimmering distance. Eventually, they reached a small river which ran through a tiny crack in the ground. The water was almost a pure blue in colour, and the summer sun reflected off it in blinding broken shards.

"Where d’you suppose this comes from?’ said Pippin confused. Mallyra rubbed her chin a little, before she scooped up some of the water in her hand. It glistened in the sun but it had an odd texture to it, almost like that of porridge, but it was liquid! She peered at it curiously, racking her brain as the blue liquid fell through her fingers.

"I have no idea," she said shaking her hands to get rid of the extra water that clung to her fingers.

"Want to find out?" Pippin asked, smiling at her. Mallyra laughed a little, before she nodded happily in agreement.

"you've obviously been paying attention to what I've been saying, of coarse I do!’ she chuckled, looking up the river, to where it was running from. Mallyra and Pippin both looked at each other with the same wide smile, before continuing walk along the edge of the river. However, they were both un-aware that the water that Mallyra had shaken off her hand, had hit the ground and formed into small droplets of sea blue diamond.

LOTR: Shire Dragons - Pippin Took FFWhere stories live. Discover now