Chapter 6

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Pippin watched as Mallyra’s silhouette began to disappear. He was so desperate to call her back, but he words just wouldn’t come out. His stomach knotted when he realised she wasn’t going to turn around, and stood up to call after her, but he just carried on standing there.

"Go after her you fool!" he shouted at himself. He looked up to see that she had completely gone, faded into the night like a ghost in the past.

"I guess I really am a fool of a Took now," he sighed, feeling a slight pain in his chest, as he began to walk home.


Mallyra didn’t want to look behind her, because she knew she’d die of embarrassment. She kept on walking, determined not to turn around. Thoughts about how stupid she was, why she shouldn’t have done that and awkwardness floated through her mind. Yet, she began to recall how she had felt when he touched her hand. Memories of his soft, green eyes, and made her smile to herself. However, the fact he didn’t even try to stop her from walking away, made her feel worse. He didn’t like her, and she knew it.

The moon was beginning to fade, and the breezy wind was now bitter cold, when Mallyra eventually got home. Seeing her mother’s relieved face in the window, made her dread what she was going to get when she stepped through her front door.

"MALLYRA FLINTWATER! Where on middle earth have you been?!" A voice shouted as the front door swung open. Mallyra looked at her mother,and hugged her.

"I was at a friend’s house mum." She lied, glancing down at the floor, and rubbing her arm. Mallyra’s mum put her hands on her hips and sighed. She was a stocky hobbit woman, who wore her short, dark brown hair wrapped up in a head scarf, and a tartan shirt with a deep brown skirt. She also had an old apron slung round her waist, and as usual, had bits of clay on her face and hands.

"look, Ra, I’m all up for you making new friends. But disappearing for two days, without telling me where you are, is probably border line of what I’d expect from you" she scolded, frowning at her daughter. Mallyra looked at her blankly, and nodded, not saying a word. She then chucked a small package onto the kitchen table, and walked into her room, running her fingers through her wavy hair.

Her mum watched her carefully, and then walked over to the package and picked it up. It was a small brown parcel, tied up with a piece of string Her mother let it roll around in her fingers, until it rested in the palm of her hand. She opened it slowly, and nearly fell over. In her hands, lay a small diamond teardrop hung on a thin steel chain, that shone in the lamplight.

Mallyra walked up to her new bed, and stared at the covers. It didn’t seem too inviting. Quickly, she changed into her night garments, and then crawled under the duvet. It was cold to begin with, and sent shudders down her spine, but eventually, it warmed with the heat from her body. A few moments later, her mother walked in, clutching the necklace in her hand.

"Ra... where did you find this? It’s beautiful," she whispered, as she walked over to her daughters bedside. Mallyra pulled the covers up a little further, and shrugged.

"Mum, I wanted to give it to you as a present. Does it really matter?" She sighed as she looked into her mums deep brown eyes. Her mother shook her head a little,

"no... I guess it doesn’t." She said, frowning down at the necklace, "Anyway, goodnight!" she continued, kissing Mallyra on the head, and then walking out the room. Mallyra rolled her eyes, and then stared up at her plain, white ceiling. It was the only thing that seemed to interest her, and the flame light from the burning candle on her dresser, made silhouettes dance around. After a few minutes, Mallyra felt her eye lids grow heavy, as thoughts of what happened earlier that day, raced through her mind.

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