The Underground (Part 1)

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I took his hand and he helped me up on my feet. I stared at him intensely. Why was he here? Why is there some one down here with me?

"I have so much to tell you......"

"Alice." I answered, knowing he wanted my name.

"Well then Alice, welcome to " The Underground. I have much to explain, but that can wait until we get there."

He nodded his head forward, indicating to follow him as he began walking.

I stood there, and called out to him, "Hey Avery! Where are we going?" My voice echoed obnoxiously off the walls of "The Underground."

"I'll explain everything when we get there." He says, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Where is there?"

"Look, just follow me Alice. You might wanna use this time to look around at the place. You'll be here for a while."

A while? What did he mean by a while? I needed to get home before my parents killed me.

My curiousness caught the best of me and I jogged to catch up with him. As I was catching my breath I decided to do what Avery told me to, and began to look around. There were torches Everywhere, as I light source. How could one person manage to do this? They were high up on the walls and well made. Avery could not do all of this by himself. There was just no way.

I was filled with denial as I looked to my left, where a dark mine-like area was. Sharp rocks of various shapes and sizes were in the ceiling as well as on the ground. I surveyed my right, where the body of water was, that I fell in. I fixed my gaze ahead of me, and I noticed that Avery and I were passing up piles of dark rocks-the same color as the cave walls. Some were taller than us, and others weren't. This is probably how Avery made his way there to here without getting lost. Maybe the body of water was were he got his drinking water from? I looked over to Avery , who was tired, sweaty, and had dirt on his face. He was wearing a large water canteen across his body. Was be really going to drink all of that water. He was wearing a brown (white but dirty from not being washed for so long) muscle shirt and red ripped pants with holes in the legs. He wasn't barefoot, he had black sneakers on. My eyes went from the water canteen and what he was wearing, to his face. His eyes were really pretty , and he wasn't ugly either. I couldn't even lie, he was handsome-better looking than Nero. (Sorry Nero)

I look ahead again and mentally laugh. There is no way that I am Underground with a handsome guy around my age, and that a humanoid almost ate me. I've jumped to three conclusions. One: I've died and in some sort of realm.(okay even that doesn't make sense, but this whole situation doesn't either) Two: I'm dreaming. Three: I'm physco and I'm in my own world right now and someone needs to take me to a mental hospital or an asylum because I am losing it. There is no way in hell this is real life.

The rock piles end and Avery looks at me and holds out his hand "Take my hand."

I look down at his hand and back up to his face. "Excuse me?" I ask in a get-away-from-me-you-creep sort of tone.

He laughs and says, "Look, I know we just met and all, but you hear that?" Avery holds up his finger, signaling for me to listen closely.

A roaring sound was all that was heard some feet away.

"I don't want you to fall. This is the shittiest part of The Underground. There's no other way around it. Air blasts through that ceiling 24/7-strong enough to knock someone down. Don't worry though, it only lasts like a minute or two. Just expect your ears to be numb as hell after we go through. That always happens your first few times going in and out. Doesn't happen to me, I've been here for quite a while now." He smiles.

I don't know if its because of how perfect his teeth were or because I actually believed him, I took his hand. We walked hand in hand until we came up to the huge roar area.

"You ready?" He yells.

"Yeah!" I yell back. That's all you could do, yell. The wind was that loud.

We walked into the gusty area and I found it quite hard to breathe. It was windy, and the air that was blowing was ice cold. "C'Mon! You didn't tell me the air was this damn cold!" I yell in frustration.

"Sorry! I just can't wait to show you around, and for you to meet them." He yells, apologizing.

"Wait, them?" One hand was in his hand and the other, was blocking the gravel and other unknown debris that was flying at us.

His hazel eyes were all that I needed to realize that he'd just said something be wasn't supposed to say. I immediately noticed that Avery's eyes were easy to read. Hmmm....I like it.

"I've said too much." He says.

And I knew that,but instead my face expression was angry and I let go of his strong large hand.

"No, Alice! What are you doing? Give me your hand!"


"But Alice, there-"

Before he could finish his statement the strongest gust of wind I've ever encountered in my life time swept me off of my feet , and I fell into some soft bouncy purple sponges-Almost like a trampoline because i couldnt control when i wanted to stop so i was just bouncing up and down. Avery fell after me and added his weight to make me go even higher. When we were rested on the sponges(this took more than 5 minutes....well, it seemed like it) he smiled. "We could have flew together, that would have been RAW , but you were being stubborn. You don't know how to have fun."

I open my mouth to say something about his wrong remark but he cuts me off by saying, "Here's the best part."

I watch him as my ears ring from being numb. He takes a huge rock that was wider and seemed to weigh more than the both of us, and he dropped it onto the sponges. Since the sponges were extra bouncy, we were now up in the air-extremely high off of the ground. I let out a sharp shreik. Not again.

We were being catapulted up in the air for some reason and anger was all that took over my body as I think about how Avery did not warn me.

We went through a hole that was put in the ground of the second level(it seemed) of The Underground .We extended our legs out so that we wouldn't fall back through the hole and crashed onto the ground. Ouch!

I looked around and viewed my new surroundings. Oh . my. God. My jaw dropped and I was pretty sure that my eyes were filled with bewilderment and awe simultaneously. I looked to Avery , who had crash-landed next to me, in shock.

"So, you like?" He grins.

I was speechless. I turn away from him and look around again, still on the ground and sore. But I couldn't feel a thing, and I couldn't believe my eyes.

Was this what was under my feet the whole time? This couldn't be real. Was this "The Underground" or a dream?

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