The Recipe For Love

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It was late. Tsubomi had just finished baking cookies for the Mekakushi Dan's picnic the next day. When she was younger, she had learned what Shuuya's favourite type of cookies were, and she had intentionally made them. After taking the sweets out of the oven to cool, she headed upstairs for some rest.
That morning, Tsubomi awoke to get some interesting news from Momo.
"Commander Kido, well, there's been a slight change of plans," Momo said, fidgeting.
"How so?!" Tsubomi had really been looking forward to the picnic.
"Well, we're planning to go to the beach, and then to the public bathhouse," Momo explained.
"That means I'll have to get a swimsuit," Tsubomi frowned.
"Just leave it to me!" Momo's face lit up. "Being a celebrity, I know the latest fashions."
When the rest of the Mekakushi Dan heard of the afternoon plans, Shuuya wondered what type of swimsuit Tsubomi would be wearing.
Tsubomi, he realized with disappointment, would most likely not wear anything showy, she wasn't that type of girl. Still, his interest was peaked.
"These are quite the fashion these days," Momo held up a bikini that looked like it was made of thin string.
I'm not wearing that, Tsubomi thought.
"How about this?" Tsubomi picked up a surfer suit from the rack.
"Eww, sorry, but if you're not surfing, what's the point?" Momo took it from Tsubomi, and put it back on the rack.
"This is very chique, not to mention all one piece," Momo pointed at a high-cut bathing suit.
"No," Tsubomi was starting to get frustrated; Momo had put twenty bathing suits into the shopping cart, and Tsubomi had not liked even one.
"Do you even like anything in style???" Momo was getting frazzled.
Then, Tsubomi saw the perfect suit.
It was a purple, water repellent hoodie and a pair of water repellent shorts.
"That's the one!" Tsubomi exclaimed, pulling it off the rack.
"Finally," Momo was relieved. It had taken two hours!
After Momo and Tsubomi arrived at the hideout, they found the rest of the gang clad in their water apparel. Marry, in her blue one piece with a cute, short skirt, and Seto and Shuuya in trunks.
"I'm going to go change," Momo announced, going upstairs.
"Kido, aren't you going to..umm.. Change too?" Shuuya asked curiously.
" Nice try, pervert!" Tsubomi gave Shuuya a good smack on the face, just like normal.
Shuuya laughed. Though it was usually painful, he enjoyed Tsubomi's terms of affections...

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