Chapter 3

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She tried to lift her head, but it plopped back down on the pillow. Her head was spinning, she squeezed her eyes shut. 

"Her condition is already improving. She will be fine. Nothing but a fractured wrist and a couple of cuts and bruises." She heard a man say. His voice originated somewhere outside of the room.

She squinted her eyes to look around the room. She was lying in a hospital bed. Her heart started beating faster when she remembered why she was here.

They had put her in the hospital! She was furious. Mr. Werner was out of his damn mind! 

She waited for the people outside the door to leave. She didn't want strangers to be around when she got up. She also thought it would be easier to not have to answer a ton of questions as soon as she was awake. 

She sat up in the bed. She was wearing a hospital gown. She noticed something was off, the gown wasn't a normal hospital gown, because it glowed at the bottom, just around the hem.

"That's weird." She said to the empty hospital room. 

She threw the covers off and hung her feet off the bed. She wasn't hooked up to an IV, but it was apparent she had been because it had left bruises on her arm. 

She placed her feet on the ground. The cold tile gave her shiver. She tip-toed over to the door, her body aching all over.

She noticed the door didn't have a handle. Confused, she searched the frame around the door.

"What the..." She huffed, feeling up and down the wall.

She heard approaching footsteps outside the door. She snuck back over to the bed and jumped under the blanket. She sat on the bed, gulping down the glass of water at her bedside.

The door slid open from right to left. She choked on her water.

"Careful." The oddly dressed nurse giggled.

She examined her outfit while the nurse checked all the glowing machines. She tapped away on what looked like an iPad. She was wearing neon green scrubs. Neon as in glowing, literally. Her shoes looked like they had lights glowing on the bottom. Her hair was bright pink with a single streak of orange slicing through her bangs. Her make-up was the most extravagant Alona had ever seen. She had purple, swirly eyeliner with red false lashes. Her foundation was extremely white with bright pink blush.

She rubbed her eyes, wondering if her eyesight was messed up. Maybe she was just that kind of person that overly enjoyed make-up.

The nurse turned around to face her, "How are you feeling?"

"Fine." She replied, her voice a bit hoarse.

The nurse brought her strange food on a tray. It was flavorless, and was tough to chew. She managed to eat most of it.

The nurse walked to the door and tapped on the door frame. Alona watched. Then tried to memorize the pattern.

After the nurse left, Alona hopped out of the bed. She grabbed the army green messenger bag, that Mr. Werner had given her, from the chair and looked inside. Inside were two bottles of water, two sandwiches, a notebook, a pen, a Polaroid camera, and a ton of film for the camera. Of course, he would want her to document her experience. At the bottom of the bag was her busted iPhone. She frowned, seeing its cracked screen.

She put on the bag and went to the door. She tapped in the places the nurse had, the frame illuminated red. She tried again, then the frame illuminated green under her finger. The door slid open.

She peeked out into the hallway. To her left down the hallway was a desk with a nurse. To the right was nothing but a long hallway that turned right at the end. She looked for exit signs. Down the hallway to the right was red neon letters. She couldn't read them, but they reminded her of an exit sign, so she followed it.

She was halfway to the right turn when two nurses and a doctor came around the corner. They were looking down at a file in the doctor's hand.

Alona quickly looked for an escape. A door was slightly ajar to her left. She slid the door open and went inside. It was a storage closet. She waited and listened for them to pass by. They stopped at a room close by so she waited. She looked around the dark closet.

She found a nurse's uniform. Quickly she changed into it. Hopefully it would help her blend in if she did get caught.

She peeked out the door. They were gone. She ran down the hallway, her bare feet making slight slapping noises as she ran. She turned left following the strange sign.

Finally, the hallway opened into a waiting area. Strangely dressed people were sitting around the room. Some cried, some were pacing the floor, and some were asleep. They glanced at her as she entered the room. Some looking frustrated or disappointed at her approaching. A woman reading on a iPad looked at her. The woman's mouth hanging wide open.

Alona felt like she needed the same expression because the woman's hair was ridiculous.

"Hey you!" The nurse at the desk called after Alona.

Alona didn't wait, she ran for the sliding glass doors. Thankfully they slid open without her having to tap in the code.

Her feet hit the rough concrete road. She ran as fast as she could. Not worrying if she would get into trouble. She knew she would, but right now she needed to find Werner.

She needed to shout at him and his stupid science nerds. She wanted to shove her wrist at him and yell, "See what you did!"

She heard the nurse chasing her. She stopped quicker than Alona would have guessed. Then she heard shouting.

Alona looked for street signs. She didn't recognize where she was. All the buildings around her looked run down and abandoned. Panic rose in her chest. If this was a bad part of town she would be in real trouble.

She heard a siren behind her. She quickly darted down an alley way and hid behind a dumpster. She could smell the rotting food, not to mention the severely stained pair of pants laying on the side. The entire alley smelled terrible. There was a lingering smell of earth, like rich dirt.

She rubbed her nose, wondering if her sense of smell had also been screwed up.

She heard the sirens getting closer. Red and white flashed by the alley and keep going. When the whirring of the car faded away she relaxed.

She sighed and leaned against the brick wall behind her.

She stood and looked around her. She debated on going back out into the road. She figured it would be too risky. She turned around and looked down the pitch-black alley. Her hands trembled. She knew she could defend herself, but against a weapon she would most likely lose. If she only had her pepper spray.

She walked cautiously, avoiding sketchy dark spots and murky puddles. Her bare feet were most likely covered in dirt and filth.

She was finally feeling better when she heard soft footsteps behind her. She froze. The footsteps stopped. She started walking again. She didn't dare turn her head. She searched for an escape.

She could tell the footsteps were slowly getting closer. She saw an open door and darted inside, slamming the door behind her. Her hands searched the door for a lock. When she didn't find one she turned around and ran.

The only light came from her clothes which softly glowed at the hem. She tripped in the dark and caught herself on a staircase railing. She ran up the concrete stairs and darted into the first door she saw. She figured she was in an abandoned office building. She left the door cracked and slid into a corner between two bookshelves. She pulled a chair in front of her just in case she wasn't hidden enough.

She waited and listened. She could feel herself panic at every sound. The smallest sound would send her shaking. She tried to prepare herself for anything she had to do to protect herself.

Whoever had been following her had apparently given up when she ran into the building. She waited for hours and never heard anyone. She was exhausted and in pain.

Slowly she fell asleep.


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Sawyer :)

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