Chapter 33

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Greg was spending his days following Drew around, learning everything he could about the town and where they received supplies and weapons. Alona missed Greg following them around, she was having withdrawals. He was beginning to feel like a little brother to her.

Alona and Arlo were training as partners. Alona was shocked when Arlo had suggested the idea. They were going to be partners in a war. It was insane. She couldn't believe she was going to be a soldier. She should've been worried, but she felt that this was something she had to do.

Basically, she had lost her mind, or that's how she felt. She was no longer journalist Alona, she was knife-wielding, getting shot, dating an alien Alona. 

Arlo and Alona were creating a series of signals that they would use to communicate throughout the mission. She had memorized most of the signals, they weren't many and they were pretty simple.

Arlo was constantly reminding her that this was a time in need of serious action, with serious action came some serious training. What worried her the most was the thought of the serious sacrifice this action required. She knew what war demanded. She had tried not to focus on the thought of losing him but, it was there; gnawing on her mind. She didn't think she would be able to live in Treeon without Arlo.

They were meeting with Arlo's team later today. Alona was beyond nervous. She worried that she wasn't experienced enough to work with them. She knew she wasn't good enough to work them, and the fact that they were trained assassins also added to her anxiety.

Arlo tried to assure her that their group would only try to teach her and help her grow. He hoped they would, anyway.

Arlo's group consisted of 10 people including himself and Alona.

Arlo landed punch after punch into a swaying bag of sand. Alona was beside him punching her own bag while listening and following his instructions.

"Vadik and Kodi are my snipers. Nik and Feliks are machine gunners." Arlo paused and glanced at Alona, "Feliks is a bit strange." He continued, "Vlad is a laser gun specialist, also he's Vadik's twin. Nadia specializes in knives. Pasha is our medic and she's pretty good with any pistol you hand her. Then there's Hank. He is our explosives expert and he's the youngest."

Alona thought over each one in her head. She had no idea what to expect.

"Are they all Volkov?" She asked, punching at the bag again. She could only hope someone was human, it would help her feel welcome. She hadn't felt very welcome since she woke up in that hospital the very first time.

"Hank is human." He smirked, "When Hank first joined Nik and Feliks wanted to eat him." He laughed softly.

Alona stopped punching as her stomach turned into knots. She stared at Arlo, "Comforting." She began punching the bag again. 

"Don't worry." He focused his attention on where Alona needed work the most. He watched carefully the amount of force she was using. He saw the weakness in her shoulder. She was getting stronger and healing. He was surprised by how she had changed. She had fought through all the pain of healing, and for the most part, without complaint.

Alona stopped punching and grabbed her bottle of water. Her chest ached and her lungs burned like she had been running for miles in the winter air.

"We should get going. The team is meeting with Drew and then coming to our place after." Arlo headed for the back room to change.

Alona unwrapped her hands. They had been slightly bruised for a week or more, the green on her knuckles was finally fading.

Arlo stepped out of the back room in his black cargo pants and a tan shirt. Alona couldn't help but notice that his hair actually looked styled.

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