Chapter 30

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They heard Greg coming down the stairs. Alona, brushing off her astonishment at Arlo's comment, got down three plates.

She was happy that she knew someone else in this town besides Arlo, Drew, and Ky. She wondered why Ky hadn't visited her yet.

Arlo pulled the small loaf of bread off the top shelf of the cabinet and watched Greg sit at the bar.

Alona smiled at him. His hair hung around his face in small, wet waves of blonde. She could tell Arlo was still unsure of the kid. She knew he would protect her and that was reassuring, even if it was from a kid.

They ate quietly around the bar. Arlo let Alona sit next to Greg.

Alona wanted Greg to feel comfortable if he wanted to speak, she wasn't going to force anything.

Arlo didn't have a problem forcing the kid to speak. "So do you have a job?" Arlo asked, breaking the silence.

"No." Greg replied, his mouth full of food, "No one will hire me because of my dad."

He spoke softly, still wary of Arlo. He took a huge bite of his food.

"Who's your dad?" Arlo asked, watching him take huge bites of his food.

"Phil. He's the drunk that hangs around Howard's Bar." He didn't look up to meet their eyes.

Arlo nodded. He had definitely seen the man before. He had punched him before, for trying to rob a vendor.

Alona watched him eat, she could tell it had been awhile since he had anything other than scraps. Bits of food lingered around his mouth, as he took a drink of water.

They quietly finished eating. Alona truthfully didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable. Arlo took their plates and rinsed them off.

"I'll wash them." Greg said standing, "It's the least I can do."

Arlo nodded and explained how much water they were allowed to use so the kid wouldn't waste any. He watched from the counter making sure the kid followed directions.

Alona wanted to help him so much more. She knew how he felt. How could she ever repay Arlo for all he had done for her?

Arlo caught her eyes. She gave him a pleading look. He rolled his eyes ever so slightly.

"What can you do?" Arlo said leaning against the counter, "I know Drew. I could probably get you a job."

Greg's head snapped to Arlo's, his mouth was hanging slightly open.

"You stay here on the couch until Drew finds you a place." Arlo replied.

Greg's mouth fell open even more, "Really?"

Alona nodded, "Yeah. You can stay here." She couldn't believe Arlo was actually helping him out.

Alona smiled. She was happy to help Greg, especially since he really needed it.

"Thank you!" He smiled and looked at Alona. She smiled back at him.

They settled into the small living room and talked. They mostly talked about the war. They talked about the best way to win the war. Greg and Arlo knew more about it than Alona.

"What do you think Alona?" Greg asked. "Which king was the absolute worst?"

She shrugged, "I'm actually not from around here, but I'd have to say this last one was absolutely awful."

Her smile was gone. She could still feel his sickening breath on her neck. She could still see his cruel smile. She felt sick to her stomach at the thought of him.

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