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Three years and two months later, one of us decided it was time to take things a little farther. We finally had the peace and gave each other the time to get to know one another - the right way. And then on my twenty-first birthday, Harry asked me to spend the rest of my life with him.

"Are you serious?!" I gasped in surprise the moment I stepped into Oldies Records and everyone I knew jumped up from behind the stacks of movies and music.

'HAPPY BIRTHDAY!' they all screamed, my goofy grin finding a permanent resting spot on my face. I was instantly swarmed by my friends and family.

My mother and Derek - her new bo, who also happens to be my dance teacher - congratulated me on another year of life and of course wished me many more to come.

Bonnie and Jack - also a thing now - proceeded to promising me a drunken night along with huge hugs and happy birthday wishes.

My best friend Jason and his recently new boyfriend followed suit and as I watched them wander off to get some refreshments I couldn't help but feel extremely happy for them both. And especially for Jason - who took a long time to realize I wasn't what he was looking for.

I had gone through everyone in the room, except for Harry, who I know is the master mind behind all this, you'd think he'd be the first to come swarm me in hugs but I haven't even seen a glimpse of that long haired dork.

Distracted by the guests I let myself enjoy my birthday, and before I knew it another surprise came tumbling towards me. My mother had quieted everyone down as she climbed up onto the counter, and directed our attention to the stairs. Where the first thing I thought would emerge was a dorky Harry in some incredibly funny but also incredibly adorable costume. 

Instead, to my surprise, Gemma and Anne were the ones to rear their gorgeous selves down the stairs.

"OhMyGod" I literally yelped, jumping up in place and running straight for them. I barely gave them time to balance themselves before I engulfed them in a bear hug. I hadn't seen them since I left Harry back four years ago in England. 

I had left in less than gratifying circumstances, though we kept in touch via iMessage and FaceTime. During the past few years, we managed to grow a lot closer, despite an ocean between us I really felt connected to Anne and Gemma. And now that we'll officially become family I could't be happier.

To add to my surprise, the moment I turned around the floor of the shop was wide open. My friends and family were gathered around the one man who managed to change the way I saw the world.

"What's going on?" I half laughed, taking a few steps towards the love of my life.

And then... time stood still. My breath caught in my throat I watched as Harry knelt down on one knee with a small box in his hands.

My vision was tunneled and I swear I could barely hear him through the beating of my heart sounding in my ears.

"Lana, after years of fighting for our happiness, I ask you here in front of all our friends and family to spend the rest of your life with me. With all the love in the world, would you marry me? Please?" Harry smirked, his face beaming and his cheeks glowing.

I could hardly believe it, I stood there with all our friends and family waiting for my answer.

"Lana?" Harry looked worried, but I quickly put him out of his misery.

I came before him as he got to his feet, tears raining down my face.

"Yes, a thousand times yes!" I cried as I threw my arms around him and kissed him long and hard. With the cheers and laughter from all our loved ones around us, and the man I love within my grasp, I truly felt happy.

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