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Harry!” The sound of Lana shrieking my name echoes down the whole damn lot she calls a neighborhood. Shit. I shouldn't have let her shove me out. “H-help her” her mother croaks and I gently set her in the back seat of my car before sprinting back into the small home.

You little bitch! You think you can just take your mom and fuck off with that little prick!?” the asshole growls as I run in and a piece of me shatters into pieces as his fist comes in contact with her face.

I don't give him another fucking chance to touch her. Never again.

I kick him off of her managing to make him land on his back, without a second thought I straddle him and my hands wrapping around his neck. His hands frantically trying to pry mine from his neck, but I squeeze harder.

H-Harry” Lana cries, I hear her shuffling around behind me.

All I can think to do is squeeze harder make this sad excuse for a man pay for every time he's touched her. Every time he's hurt her.

I watch as his face turns from purple to blue, my chest heaving.

“He isn't worth it Harry let's just go!” She wraps her feeble arms around my neck and attempts to pull me off of him. “Harry please! You'll get in trouble!” she sobs and it breaks through my one track mind. My hands loosen leaving him coughing trying to regain his breath.

I stand to my feet and wrap an arm around Lana, leading her out of this hell hole. With not even a glance back we climb into my car and speed off.


I don't know how I did it, but I squeezed into the back seat with my mother. Letting her head rest in my lap while I helplessly try to wipe the blood from her face with a my shirt and some water from a water bottle Harry had lying around.

“We need to get her to the hospital” Harry announces as we come to a stop at a light. My eyes meet his in the rearview mirror, and I briefly catch a glimpse of the the cut just above my brow and already bruising eye.

“No. We don't have money – insurance. I can clean her up and-”

“Lana no amount of water, disinfectants and bandaids will be enough. She needs a real doctor” he sighs, his hand gripping the steering wheel. I look down at my mother who looks as if she's barely breathing. “Alright let's go” I sniff and the car begins to move.

Before I know it they're wheeling her down the hallway and into the ICU. “Miss you look like you need a check up as well” the nurse looks at me, worry and sincerity glowing in her iris'.

“No. I just want to be with my mother” I try to walk past her down the hall where the took her. Harry's hand grips my wrist at the same time the nurse steps in my way. “Your mother is in good hands Miss. Please you need to get that cut looked at” she looks behind me at Harry, signaling a silent plea for help. “Lana” his voice low and accent thick warms my chilled body from the inside out. “Fine but hurry it up, she needs me” I retort and let the nurse lead me to a small examination room.

It takes about 15 minutes for her to patch me up and send me on my way. “My mother” I remind her and she nods scurrying behind her desk, clicking away at her keyboard and mouse. “She's still in ICU with the doctor, just go down the hall to the glass doors on the right” she instructs. “Thanks” I catch Harry's stare, he's been quite the whole time. Offering me a touch here and there for comfort, shit, just the sound of his voice comforts me. But I won't rest until I know my mom is out of danger.

I haven't heard the diagnosis but how can you look at her and think that whatever is wrong with her is only minor? You can't. That fucking bastard, he's left her lifeless. He's taken all she had to give and then some. Turning her into an empty shell of the woman she once was. God why did she stick around so long?

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