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“Why do you insist on running? Every time things get a little hard you want to leave a trail of dust in your place Lana” I glare at her and run a hand furiously through my hair.

God I want to yell her truths in her face, try to make her see it the way I do, this isn't healthy for her. She needs to learn to accept and move on, but by the looks of things I don't think i'm the one that's going to be able to get her to realize it. 

“Stop throwing that in my face, this isn't the first time you've said that to me Harry” she glares back at me with equal intensity. “I've told you all this is knew to me, and honestly none of this would be happening if you had just let me go that first night we met!” she yells and I watch as she quickly regrets the words, that yet again have slipped form her perfectly pink lips.

We always end up back at square one – always. I don't want her to leave, I fucking love her but she makes it seem like my love isn't enough to help her surpass her insecurities. And maybe it can't because it depends on her, but it should motivate her to try, shouldn't it?

“Your right” I finally sigh and sit back down at the table.


My heart stops and the room spins a whole 360 as I absorb the defeat in Harry's voice. He's giving up? Doesn't feel so good does it? My subconscious mocks, but I try to ignore it as the lump in my throat grows by the second.

“Harry I-”

“Your always saying that to me and I never wanted to believe it but I just don't know anymore..” he voice cracks, as he licks his lips.

Oh how the roles have reversed. I don't know what to do, I'm always the one who runs, and I'm undoubtedly always pursued. God am I really the stereotypical helpless female who needs to be chased? Looks that way..

“No Harry I-” I rush to his side, kneeling beside him I take his hand. I have no idea what I'm doing or how we got to this point, really i'm just going with it.

“I just want whats best for you and it just seems that that's being away from me” I rush the sentence and he looks down at me. “I love you, God I do, but look what I caused you to go through? I'm a hazard to you” I bite my quivering lip to stop myself from falling apart.

“But your not Lana, that's what I keep trying to make you understand, but no matter what I do you don't seem to get it” he shifts, and grips my chin. “I would go through hell to prove to you that no matter what baggage you come with, I won't leave, from the start I've fought for you and now I want to fight your battles with you. You just need to try harder” he stares into my eyes and the tears fall unrestrained.

How many more times am I going to make him repeat this mantra to me? He's getting tired of it and with good reason..

“It's just do hard Harry, no one has ever shown me this much support, besides my mother I mean, but that's her job and distrust is all I've ever known from men, well one man, but it was enough to-”

“I know Lana, but I am not him or any other man, I'm Harry – your Harry” He leans forwards and presses his forehead to mine.

“I don't really want to run from you” I admit after a brief moment of silence.

“I don't want you too either” he sighs and kisses my nose before helping me up and sitting me on his lap the best way he can.

“But I don't want to be here” I emphasize, hoping he'll understand. “There's just too many bad memories here, and the possibility that he can get out I just-”

“I'll call my mom in the morning and we'll work things out” he sighs as he rests his head on my chest and wraps his arms securely around my waist.

“But your shop, I can't ask you to-”

“I told you” he sits up and looks at me, wiping the remainder of my tears away, “I would go through anything for you”

“But I don't want you to sell it or anything Harry” I sniff as the guilt slowly builds up.

“So I won't” he shrugs, “but lets talk tomorrow yeah?” he half smiles and I nod hesitantly as I stand and lead him to our bed of blankets in his living room.

1 Week Later..

“God that flight was terrible” my mother whines still holding a hand to her back, and I can't help the laugh that escapes my mouth. It's been at least half an hour since we got off the plane, you'd think she would have stretched enough in that time.

“It wasn't so bad mom” I roll my eyes at her as we wait for Harry to get our luggage. Luckily since my mother and I don't have much to pack we only brought one suitcase each, plus Harry's duffle bag. Of course he must have some belongings in his old home here in London, then again he does wear various outfits with just his signature black jeans and t-shirts, and if he's feeling fancy a plaid or button down shirt.

“I actually wish you would have picked to move to New York or something, I think that'd put enough space between us and LA honey” she sighs, taking my hand and my smile fades a little. I still don't think England is enough space as it is..

“Harry's coming” I smile at her and stand not wanting to dwell on the dark – yet – not so distant past.

I'm amazed at how quickly he's almost completely healed up and I still can't believe he agreed to move back home cause of me. I had my doubts really, I didn't want to make him give up everything he had accomplished back in LA just for me, but he insisted that if it's what I wanted he didn't care. Honestly it amazes me how selfless he is, not just with me but with anyone he cares about.

The shop was left under Bonnie's care and Jack, who is turning over a new leaf, starting with this opportunity Harry has given him. Jack was also left with Harry's apartment, with the condition that he not hold any of his killer parties in it.

The deal breaker of the whole thing though, is that after two weeks of being back home, Harry would have to honestly tell me if he really wants to stay in London or not, and I will not get in the way of his decision if he decides to go back to LA. I won't let him be unhappy because of me.

“Ready babe?” He kisses the corner of my mouth and smiles at my mom before I take my suitcase and we roll out of the airport.


Short but sweet? I hope lol

I'm so so sorry :( I meant to update last weekend but I had essays and homework and I have yet another essay to write this weekend :( They're lucky I like to write though lol

Anyway, I hope you enjoy! Thanks for being paitent and thanks for following the story! xx

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