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After our long night Harry and I retreat to one of the guest rooms, of our choice, thanks to Nicholi. While he and Tori battled out their differences in the living room we chose the room farthest from the stairs.

The room – like the rest of the house – is old fashioned, I mean having a theme is one thing but I honestly felt like I time warped to another era.

There is a large four poster bed sat in the middle of the room against the far wall, in perfect line to the bay window with attached bench. Complete with thin beige curtains that rain down on all sides of the gorgeous bed, giving Harry and I the feeling that we were in our own little bubble.

Our clothes lay stacked in a disorderly fashion on the chest at the foot of the bed as we snuggled under the silky sheets and fluffy comforter.

This feeling of being hidden away from James, the memories of my father, and the Tori's of the world, is something I wish we could take with us everywhere we went. Though I know that's impossible, life wasn't made to be easy.

“Harry, are you awake?” I question as I listen to the steady hum of his heart beat.

“I am” he sighs, sleep dripping off his words as he runs small circles on my back with his fingers.

I shift in his embrace, resting my chin on hand over his chest to look up at him, gearing myself up for this heavy conversation i'm about to unravel.

“What is it?” he does his best to shake the heaviness from his eyelids, studying my face.

“Why don't you just tell your mom about James and her best friend?” I whisper and his jaw tenses. He sits up with his back against the headboard, as he practically forces me out of his embrace.

“You know why” he states curtly and I sit up on my knees.

“I know but – what good is that doing Harry? Like I get you don't want to be the one to ruin her happiness but she needs to know” I bite my lip and watch him stare off towards the door.

“I can't do it Lana” he closes his eyes, I can literally feel the remorse radiating off his body at the thought of telling his mother everything.

“it's better if she hears it from you than someone else” I insist, he finally looks at me that crease between his brows deepening.

“You wouldn't -”

“No! God not me Harry” I roll my eyes, “I mean maybe her so called best friend might one day or even James – though highly unlikely – but you get my point”

His face relaxes a fraction before staring down at his lap. He's helped me face so many of my own insecurities in more ways than I could have ever imagined, and now I want to pay him back. This is a partnership, it's me and him. I am forever indebted to him and I know this won't be the big reward he deserves but it's a start.

His sensitive spirit can't handle this anymore, I see the way this secret is slowly tearing him apart. His anger towards James is becoming more unbearable, and he barely spends time with his mother because of it.

“I mean... if it were me in her place, I'd want to know Harry”

I watch him really think about it before he sighs heavily and holding his arms open, inviting me into them. I eagerly oblige and press my ear over his heart, where the rhythm begins to slow.

“I'll talk to her about it soon” he rubs my back and we snuggle back under the covers before sleep drags me under.


Your worthless! No man wants to be with a whiney skank like you!” my father snarls in my face as his boot holds me to the ground by my chest.

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