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If you listen to Stay by Rihanna while reading this you might just cry bc I did *insert crying emoji*

Please read the note at the end of the chapter thanks!



I watch Lana storm off down the hall and rush into the elevator. I want to run after her and make things right, and at the same time I don't. How dare she give me a fucking speech about being a typical guy, when she's kissed that arse Jason in front of me and told me he was her boyfriend. If i'm a typical guy then she's the typical hypocritical bitch who's toying with my feelings. I mean she chose now of all moments to finally declare her feelings for me. Can she be more of a reality show drama? Fuck, i'm just pissed, pissed at her, at my sister and her obnoxious friend I took to my bed, and really i'm just pissed at myself.

“Harry..” My mothers voice is soft and full of understanding. I can't imagine why after hearing everything Lana and Jessica said.. I keep my head bowed as I run my fingers through my hair and lean up against the wall. “Did she leave?” she sighs as she stands before me, I merely nod. “Why haven't you gone after her?” my head shoots up as I look into similar green eyes, filled with compassion and worry.

“There's nothing I can say to make her look past this mum, I.. never-mind” I lower my gaze.

“No go on, say it. You've fucked it all up” my eyes find hers once more, my mother is not big on swearing so i'm caught off guard here. “ It's not such a bad thing to admit. We all make mistakes. But ya know, there's always a solution. Maybe you can't make her look past any of this just yet, but you can sure as hell die trying.” She cups my cheek and tilts her head to the side with a warm smile. I love the way she's so optimistic, but she doesn't know Lana the way I do. I don't even know Lana the way I think I do.

“Mum I don't-”

“Out of all the young ladies you've brought home in the past, neither of them has ever brought that shine to your eyes, and that genuinely happy smile. Babe, I can tell just how much you care about her, and I see the way she looks at you.. You can't let her get away this easy..” she gives me a tight smile and quick kiss on the cheek before walking back into my flat.

It feels like I've been standing here pondering over my mothers words for hours. She is right. No other girl i've ever dated has made me feel what Lana makes me feel. As infuriating as she is, that is one of the qualities I genuinely adore about her. There is never a dull moment with her, I love when we have petty fights, or when she plays hard to get. I even love when she tells me to fuck off, because I know she doesn't mean it. Even if she doesn't admit it herself. I knew where her feelings lie before she did. Which I believe has to do with the fact that she has built up these walls around her heart to keep any feelings out that she's foreign to her own feelings towards anybody else.

I take back my earlier insult calling her a hypocrite and a bitch because she's right.. I'm no damn angel but neither is she. Nevertheless, being as cliché and typical as we are, am I really going to run after her and beg to talk this out? Do I really want to? I mean I do, but can I handle it? Knowing what I know about her now, I know exactly how things are going to go. She's going to tell me to piss off, I'm going to insist, and she will proceed to trying physically hurt me. She's never done that before but I know she would try, especially now.. I've broken her heart. I took a blow to the wall around it and managed to crack it. I might never knock it down completely if I don't try..

“Your still here?” Jessica's obnoxious voice breaks my wandering thoughts. I ignore her remark as I look up in time to see her wrap a small cardigan around herself. I roll my eyes and begin my walk down the hall. Jessica's heels sound close behind, two of her steps match one of mine. “Could you stop following me?” I bark over my shoulder, “Don't flatter yourself babe, we're both leaving aren't we?” she retorts as I reach the elevator. “Yeah we are but looks like your taking the stairs” I grin as I press the door close button about a dozen times, before it finally closes in her face.

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