Chapter 15 - Discussing Suspects

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That weekend, the friends gathered around Hazel's stables. They came together to discuss without Carnelian and her siblings, since they had combat class. The rest of the group each brought out their suspects list. "Let's read out our suspect list in alphabetical order, and no interrupting" Edaline said firmly.

"Okay, so I'm first. I suspect Jasmine and Junise, no offence," Amy said.

"I wrote Junise on my sheet of paper," Amber stated.

"My suspects are Junise, and Jasmine's friend," Edaline next said.

Elsa wrote down Junise. Eveleigh was still thinking, and Hazel thought that it was Junise.

"I suspect Naomi and Junise," Julia said.

"Excuse me! I've already told you that it wasn't me and YOU TOOK MY TURN!!! So I'll take YOUR turn!!!" Naomi cried out."I think it was Julia! She keeps blaming everyone else!"

"Firstly, I only blamed you and Junise. How is that EVERYONE else?" Julia replied, rolling her eyes.

"A good detective suspects everyone," Edaline quietly said.

"Wel- I-I suspect uh-uhm..." Eveleigh stammered. She shot Naomi a glance that clearly said 'Who should I vote?' Naomi shrugged at her and indicated her head towards Julia.

"I suspect Junise, Julia and Jasmine!" she declared. Her eyes flitted towards them with triumph as Naomi nodded in approval. "Me too," she added.

When only Amy, Edaline, Julia and Hazel remained, they together arranged a sleepover at Hazel's house the next day.

Friends Forever Book 1 - The Culprits' CrimesWhere stories live. Discover now